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Базы данных:РИНЦ (eLIBRARY.RU)ScopusWeb of Science Core Collection
Количество публикаций:127 67310 7158 136
Всего публикаций: 131 157, из них аффилированы с СФУ: 96 203
  1. Towards a universal embedded atom method interatomic potential for pure metals [статья из журнала]
    2015, Journal of Siberian Federal University - Mathematics and Physics
  2. Iron ores wet magnetic separation slimes utilization in expanded-clay aggregate production [статья из журнала]
    2015, Obogashchenie Rud
  3. The methodology of natural sciences in antiquity and the second book of Galen's de placitis hippocratis et platonis [статья из журнала]
    2015, Schole
  4. Effects of Immunomodulators on Functional Activity of Innate Immunity Cells Infected with Streptococcus pneumoniae [статья из журнала]
    Plekhova N. G., Kondrashova N. M., Somova L. M., Drobot E. I., Lyapun I. N.
    2015, Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine
  5. Electrical potential near hydrated surface of ordered mesoporous molecular sieves assessed by EPR of molecular pH-probes [статья из журнала]
    Kovaleva E. G., Molochnikov L. S., Golovkina E. L., Hartmann M., Kirilyuk I. A., Grigoriev I. A.
    2015, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
  6. Analysis of approaches to modeling the annual and spectral behaviors of atmospheric aerosol optical depth in Siberia and Primorye [статья из журнала]
    Sakerin S. M., Beresnev S. A., Kabanov D. M., Kornienko G. I., Nikolashkin S. V., Poddubny V. A., Tashchilin M. A., Turchinovich Y. S., Holben B. N., Smirnov A.
    2015, Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics
  7. New NIR-emissive tetranuclear Er(III) complexes with 4-hydroxo-2,1,3-benzothiadiazolate and dibenzoylmethanide ligands: Synthesis and characterization [статья из журнала]
    Sukhikh T. S., Bashirov D. A., Kuratieva N. V., Smolentsev A. I., Bogomyakov A. S., Burilov V. A., Mustafina A. R., Zibarev A. V., Konchenko S. N.
    2015, Dalton Transactions
  8. A study of the ion exchange effect on the sorption properties of heulandite-clinoptilolite zeolite [статья из журнала]
    Spiridonov A. M., Sokolova M. D., Okhlopkova A. A., Koryakina V. V., Shits E. Y., Argunova A. G., Nikiforov L. A.
    2015, Journal of Structural Chemistry
  9. Fifty years of Schoenberg’s problem on the convergence of spline interpolation [статья из журнала]
    Volkov Y. S., Subbotin Y. N.
    2015, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics
  10. Electroluminescent 1.5-?m light-emitting diodes based on p +-Si/NC ?-FeSi2/n-Si structures [статья из журнала]
    Shamirzaev T. S., Galkin N. G., Chusovitin E. A., Goroshko D. L., Shevlyagin A. V., Gutakovski A. K., Saranin A. A., Latyshev A. V.
    2015, Semiconductors
  11. The bank of biological samples representing individuals exposed to long-term ionizing radiation at various doses [статья из журнала]
    Takhauov R. M., Karpov A. B., Albach E. N., Khalyuzova M. V., Freidin M. B., Litviakov N. V., Sazonov A. E., Isubakova D. S., Bolshakov M. A., Mezheritskiy S. A., Mironova E. B., Semenova J. V., Nekrasov G. B., Izosimov A. S., Gagarin A. A., Brendakov R. V., Maksimov D. E., Ermolaev Y. D.
    2015, Biopreservation and Biobanking
  12. Mineralogy and crystal chemistry of carbonates in modern sediments of shallow lakes of Olkhon area (Baikal region) [статья из журнала]
    Solotchina E. P., Sklyarov E. V., Strakhovenko V. D., Solotchin P. A., Sklyarova O. A.
    2015, Doklady Earth Sciences
  13. An ontological spatial monitoring system for agricultural land monitoring [статья из журнала]
    Brezhnev R. V., Mal’tsev E. A.
    2015, Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
  14. Molecular association of pathogenetic contributors to pre-eclampsia (pre-eclampsia associome) [статья из журнала]
    Glotov A. S., Tiys E. S., Vashukova E. S., Pakin V. S., Demenkov P. S., Saik O. V., Ivanisenko T. V., Arzhanova O. N., Mozgovaya E. V., Zainulina M. S., Kolchanov N. A., Baranov V. S., Ivanisenko V. A.
    2015, BMC Systems Biology
  15. Laser ceramics with disordered crystalline structure [статья из журнала]
    Bagayev S. N., Osipov V. V., Pestryakov E. V., Solomonov V. I., Shitov V. A., Maksimov R. N., Orlov A. N., Petrov V. V.
    2015, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics
  16. Filamentation of Focused and Collimated Laser Beams in Liquids [статья из журнала]
    Apeksimov D. V., Bukin O. A., Golik S. S., Zemlyanov A. A., Kabanov A. M., Kuchinskaya O. I., Matvienko G. G., Oshlakov V. K., Petrov A. V., Sokolova E. B., Khoroshaeva E. E.
    2015, Russian Physics Journal
  17. Multiple filamentation of collimated Ti:Sapphire laser beams in water [статья из журнала]
    Apeximov D. V., Bukin O. A., Golik S. S., Zemlyanov A. A., Kabanov A. M., Kuchinskaya O. I., Mayor A. Y., Matvienko G. G., Oshlakov V. K., Petrov A. V., Sokolova E. B., Khoroshaeva E. E.
    2015, Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics
  18. On Tame and Wild Automorphisms of Algebras [статья из журнала]
    2015, Journal of Mathematical Sciences (United States)
  19. Replication of KCNJ11 (p.E23K) and ABCC8 (p.S1369A) association in Russian diabetes mellitus 2 type cohort and meta-analysis [статья из журнала]
    Sokolova E. A., Bondar I. A., Shabelnikova O. Y., Pyankova O. V., Filipenko M. L.
    2015, PLoS ONE
  20. Fluorinated graphene dielectric films obtained from functionalized graphene suspension: Preparation and properties [статья из журнала]
    Nebogatikova N. A., Antonova I. V., Prinz V. Y., Kurkina I. I., Vdovin V. I., Aleksandrov G. N., Timofeev V. B., Smagulova S. A., Zakirov E. R., Kesler V. G.
    2015, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
  21. KrCl barrier-discharge excilamps: Energy characteristics and applications (Review) [статья из журнала]
    Sosnin E. A., Avdeev S. M., Tarasenko V. F., Skakun V. S., Schitz D. V.
    2015, Instruments and Experimental Techniques
  22. Electronic structure and magnetic properties of graphene/Co composite [статья из журнала]
    Zhidkov I. S., Skorikov N. A., Korolev A. V., Kukharenko A. I., Kurmaev E. Z., Fedorov V. E., Cholakh S. O.
    2015, Carbon
  23. Genetic variability and structure of SNP haplotypes in the DMPK gene in yakuts and other ethnic groups of northern eurasia in relation to myotonic dystrophy [статья из журнала]
    Swarovskaya M. G., Stepanova S. K., Marussin A. V., Sukhomyasova A. L., Maximova N. R., Stepanov V. A.
    2015, Russian Journal of Genetics
  24. Ultrasonication-induced changes in physicomechanical and tribotechnical properties of PTFE composites [статья из журнала]
    Argunova A. G., Petrova P. N., Okhlopkova A. A., Shadrinov N. V., Gogoleva O. V., Cho J. -H.
    2015, Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
  25. Luminescence of natural carbon nanomaterial: Impact diamonds from the Popigai crater [статья из журнала]
    Yelisseyev A., Khrenov A., Afanasiev V., Pustovarov V., Gromilov S., Panchenko A., Pokhilenko N., Litasov K.
    2015, Diamond and Related Materials
  26. A new find of kogarkoite Na3SO4F in Transbaikalia [статья из журнала]
    Solotchin P. A., Sklyarov E. V., Solotchina E. P., Zamana L. V., Sklyarova O. A.
    2015, Doklady Earth Sciences
  27. Investigation of natural gas hydrates formation/decomposition processes in systems consisting of "commercial asphaltene-resin-paraffin deposits and water" [статья из журнала]
    Ivanova I. K., Semenov M. E., Koryakina V. V., Shits E. Yu., Rozhin I. I.
    2015, Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry
  28. Electrosurface Properties of Nanostructured Silica Assessed by EPR of Molecular pH Labels [статья из журнала]
    Kovaleva E. G., Molochnikov L. S., Osipova V. A., Stepanova D. P., Reznikov V. A.
    2015, Applied Magnetic Resonance
  29. New data on the age of ore formation in the unique Katugin rare-metal deposit (Aldan Shield) [статья из журнала]
    Kotov A. B., Vladykin N. V., Larin A. M., Gladkochub D. P., Salnikova E. B., Sklyarov E. V., Tolmacheva E. V., Donskaya T. V., Velikoslavinsky S. D., Yakovleva S. Z.
    2015, Doklady Earth Sciences
  30. Structures, mineralogy, and fluid regime of ore formation in the polygenetic Malo-Taryn gold field, Northeast Russia [статья из журнала]
    Fridovsky V. Y., Gamyanin G. N., Polufuntikova L. I.
    2015, Russian Journal of Pacific Geology
  31. NACE: A web-based tool for prediction of intercompartmental efficiency of human molecular genetic networks [статья из журнала]
    Popik O. V., Ivanisenko T. V., Saik O. V., Petrovskiy E. D., Lavrik I. N., Ivanisenko V. A.
    2015, Virus Research
  32. Mosaic gene network modelling identified new regulatory mechanisms in HCV infection [статья из журнала]
    Popik O. V., Petrovskiy E. D., Mishchenko E. L., Lavrik I. N., Ivanisenko V. A.
    2015, Virus Research
  33. Crystallization of Fe83B17 amorphous alloy by electric pulses produced by a capacitor discharge [статья из журнала]
    Georgarakis K., Dudina D. V., Mali V. I., Anisimov A. G., Bulina N. V., Jorge A. M., Yavari A. R.
    2015, Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing
  34. Numerical simulation and experimental study of thermal and gas-dynamic processes in barrier-discharge coaxial excilamps [статья из журнала]
    Sosnin E. A., Korzenev A. N., Avdeev S. M., Volkind D. K., Novakovskii G. S., Tarasenko V. F.
    2015, High Temperature
  35. Generation of different long-period geomagnetic pulsations during a sudden impulse [статья из журнала]
    Moiseyev A. V., Popov V. I., Mullayarov V. A., Samsonov S. N., Du A., Yoshikawa A.
    2015, Cosmic Research
  36. Efficient algorithms with performance guarantees for some problems of finding several cliques in a complete undirected weighted graph [статья из журнала]
    Gimadi E. K., Kel’manov A. V., Pyatkin A. V., Khachai M. Y.
    2015, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics
  37. The stimulating effect of exometabolites of the marine microalgae Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin on reproduction of Listeria monocytogenes [статья из журнала]
    Krivosheeva A. M., Buzoleva L. S., Aizdaicher N. A., Kuznetsova T. A.
    2015, Biology Bulletin
  38. Photoactivity of TiO2/CdS and SiO2/CdS hybrid nanostructured systems in the partial oxidation of ethanol under irradiation with visible light [статья из журнала]
    Kozlova E. A., Rempel' A. A., Valeeva A. A., Gorbunova T. I., Kozhevnikova N. S., Cherepanova S. V., Gerasimov E. Y., Saraev A. A., Korovin E. Y., Parmon V. N.
    2015, Kinetics and Catalysis
  39. Phase transitions of petroleum waxes in hydrocarbon solvents of different chemical nature [статья из журнала]
    Ivanova I. K., Koryakina V. V., Semenov M. E.
    2015, Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry
  40. Genomic evidence for the Pleistocene and recent population history of Native Americans [статья из журнала]
    Raghavan M., Steinr?cken M., Harris K., Schiffels S., Rasmussen S., DeGiorgio M., Albrechtsen A., Valdiosera C., Ávila-Arcos M. C., Malaspinas A. -S., Eriksson A., Moltke I., Metspalu M., Homburger J. R., Wall J., Cornejo O. E., Moreno-Mayar J. V., Korneliussen T. S., Pierre T., Rasmussen M. и другие
    2015, Science
  41. Erratum:Corrigendum to "electronic structure and magnetic properties of graphene/Co composite" (Carbon (2015) 91 (298-303)) [статья из журнала]
    Zhidkov I. S., Skorikov N. A., Korolev A. V., Kukharenko A. I., Kurmaev E. Z., Fedorov V. E., Cholakh S. O.
    2015, Carbon
  42. Rare metal granites of the Katugin complex (Aldan shield): Sources and geodynamic formation settings [статья из журнала]
    Larin A. M., Kotov A. B., Vladykin N. V., Gladkochub D. P., Kovach V. P., Sklyarov E. V., Donskaya T. V., Velikoslavinskii S. D., Zagornaya N. Y., Sotnikova I. A.
    2015, Doklady Earth Sciences
  43. The current dressings for wound care in the treatment of purulent wounds [статья из журнала]
    Vinnik I. S., Markelova N. M., Solov'Eva N. S., Shishatskaia E. I., Kuznetsov M. N., Zuev A. P.
    2015, Novosti Khirurgii
  44. Multidimensional Integral Representations: Problems of Analytic Continuation [статья из журнала]
  45. Evaluation of the genetic riskometer components KIF6, PALLD, SNX19, MYH15, VAMP8 for ischemic heart disease with sudden cardiac death [статья из журнала]
    Maksimov V. N., Ivanova A. A., Orlov P. S., Savchenko S. V., Voevoda M. I.
    2015, Russian Journal of Cardiology
  46. Reconstructed summer Palmer Drought Severity Index since 1850 AD based on ?13C of larch tree rings in eastern Siberia [статья из журнала]
    Tei S., Yonenobu H., Sugimoto A., Ohta T., Maximov T. C.
    2015, Journal of Hydrology
  47. Internal diamond morphology: Raman imaging of metamorphic diamonds [статья из журнала]
    Korsakov A. V., Toporski J., Dieing T., Yang J., Zelenovskiy P. S.
    2015, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy
  48. Comparing carbon storage of Siberian tundra and taiga permafrost ecosystems at very high spatial resolution [статья из журнала]
    Siewert M. B., Hanisch J., Weiss N., Kuhry P., Maximov T. C., Hugelius G.
    2015, Journal of Geophysical Research G: Biogeosciences
  49. Thermal processes of thermokarst lakes in the continuous permafrost zone of northern Siberia - observations and modeling (Lena River Delta, Siberia) [статья из журнала]
    Boike J., Georgi C., Kirilin G., Muster S., Abramova K., Fedorova I., Chetverova A., Grigoriev M., Bornemann N., Langer M.
    2015, Biogeosciences
  50. Isolation of prospective microalgal strains with high saturated fatty acid content for biofuel production [статья из журнала]
    Piligaev A. V., Sorokina K. N., Bryanskaya A. V., Peltek S. E., Kolchanov N. A., Parmon V. N.
    2015, Algal Research