Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2015
Идентификатор DOI: 10.1007/s11182-015-0470-4
Ключевые слова: femtosecond pulse, filamentation, laser radiation, liquid, spectrum
Аннотация: Experimental results of investigations into the transformation of the spectral and spatial characteristics of femtosecond collimated and focused Ti:Sa-laser beams with wavelengths of 800 and 400 nm upon filamentation in continuous liquid media are presented. It is shown that broadening of the laser pulse spectrum due to phase self-Показать полностьюmodulation in the medium with a cubic nonlinearity depends on the pulse power and beam diameter. Dependences of the number of filaments, width of laser radiation spectrum, nonlinear focusing distance, and diameter of the filamentation region on the laser pulse power are measured. The existence of a relative power interval in which the explosive growth of the number of filaments occurs, is established. © 2015, Springer Science+Business Media New York.
Журнал: Russian Physics Journal
Выпуск журнала: Vol. 58, Is. 1
Номера страниц: 117-124