Physical principles of the design of electrically controllable microstrip devices


Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2008

Идентификатор DOI: 10.1007/s11182-009-9136-4

Аннотация: Electrically controllable microstrip microwave devices are investigated in which liquid crystals, high-temperature superconducting films, or varactors are used as active media. It is demonstrated that comparatively large controllable phase shifts can be obtained using resonant liquid crystal or varactor phase shifters; however, in Показать полностьюthis case, the working frequency band of the devices become significantly narrower. The possibilities of obtaining maximum frequency tuning of filters whose bandwidth in the tuning frequency range remains unchanged or changes by a preset law are demonstrated. Varactor designs of two-channel power dividers with a smoothly varying division coefficient between the channels are considered. An original device protecting from a radio pulse based on a superconducting film in which total pulse reflection is observed when the pulse power exceeds a preset threshold is investigated.

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Выпуск журнала: Vol. 51, Is. 9

Номера страниц: 919-929

ISSN журнала: 10648887

Место издания: NEW YORK

Издатель: SPRINGER


  • Belyaev B.A. (L. V. Kirenskii Institute of Physics,Siberian Branch,Russian Academy of Sciences)
  • Leksikov A.A. (L. V. Kirenskii Institute of Physics,Siberian Branch,Russian Academy of Sciences)
  • Shabanov V.F. (L. V. Kirenskii Institute of Physics,Siberian Branch,Russian Academy of Sciences)
  • Serzhantov A.M. (Siberian Federal University)

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