Metabolic changes in rat liver in the recovery period after hyperthermic exposure


Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2000

Ключевые слова: animal, article, breathing, female, glycolysis, hyperthermic therapy, liver, male, metabolism, pathophysiology, rat, Animals, Hyperthermia, Induced, Rats, Respiration

Аннотация: The metabolic changes in rat liver were studied during a reduction period after the overheating (25 min, 42 degrees C) using the isolated organ perfusion. First six hours after the treatment were characterised by a decrease of the respiration rate, the activation of glycolysis and an exhaustion of hepatic carbohydrate resources. ThПоказать полностьюe development of adaptive reaction resulted in the recovery of respiration rate to 18 h. This may provide subsequent restoration of hepatic metabolism and normalisation of the organ functioning.

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Журнал: Voprosy Meditsinskoj Khimii

Выпуск журнала: Vol. 46, Is. 2

Номера страниц: 135-139


  • Inzhevatkin E.V. (Krasnoyarsk State University, Russia.)
  • Savchenko A.A. (Krasnoyarsk State University, Russia.)
  • Al'brant A.I. (Krasnoyarsk State University, Russia.)
  • Nefedov V.P. (Krasnoyarsk State University, Russia.)

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