Коммуникативность научного дискурса в обществе знания


Перевод названия: Communicativeness of Scientific Discourse in the Knowledge Society

Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2012

Ключевые слова: communication, discourse, scientific knowledge, self-organization, knowledge society, коммуникация, дискурс, научное знание, самоорганизация, общество знания

Аннотация: Рассматривается специфика коммуникативности науки в обществе знания. Концептуальные положения теории самоорганизующихся систем помогают в рефлексии над феноменом научного дискурса. Последний автором понимается одновременно как метадискурс и внутринаучный дискурс, существование которых обусловлено нелинейностью и многомерностью бытиПоказать полностьюя и мышления в обществе знания. Необходимым условием самоорганизации научного знания выступает интеракция ученых. Коммуникация, руководимая метадискурсом (реализация принципа моральности), призвана помочь в согласовании внутринаучных дискурсов. The society, organized by the management of knowledge, dissemination of information technologies and innovation (knowledge society), is no longer a myth but reality, a global communication space. This is a complexly open dissipative system, in which even a small impact on it can cause it to reach a new fundamentally unpredictable and irreversible condition. Modernity is characterized by the coexistence of multiple realities in the image of hyper-reality. The knowledge society forms various discourses, which claim to be the truth. All knowledge, including scientific, it is only a plausible interpretation or a version of the event. Scientific knowledge today as a type of argumentative discourse cannot be unique and meet the standard of science developed in the positiv-ist tradition. In the "knowledge society" objectivity of scientific knowledge takes on a new meaning: it does not appear as the only true reflection of reality, the correspondence of knowledge about the object itself, but appears as a "general subjective reality." Scientific discourse can be understood as metadis-course and intrascientific discourse. Metadiscourse performs the function of demarcation between scientific and non-scientific, acts as a paradigmatic model. It is fundamentally stable, but historically volatile. Between different schools of discrepancies. They can be identified as intrascientific discourses, each of which with respect to its "competitors" will act as something deviant, remaining outside the norm, defined metadiscourse. Dimensional linear interpretation of deviation as a deviation from the norm is the expression of the classical style of scientific thinking, as is only considered a "proper - wrong." The nature of coexistence of intrascientific discourses in a situation of non-linearity of being and thinking is defined as a situation mismatch. The existence of intrascientific discourse is determined by the presence of interactional ties in the scientific "mini-community." Intrascientific discourses are open dissipative systems and are exposed to an impact from the outside. In the scientific environment, one of those ways of acting are all sorts of interactions between scientists. This is a necessary condition for the construction of the order, a new level of self-organization. A striking example of self-organization in a dissipative system of "science" is such an institutional form of scientific communication as a conference. The simultaneous presence of scientists in the situation is a demonstration of the unity born of order, which is not affected even after the event, and restructured into a new level of organization of their knowledge. Metadiscourse aims at understanding, and intrascientific discourses prevent its establishment. Communication is designed to help establish contact between intrascientific discourses, but that does not mean they should be summarized in a single universal theory to explain reality. The agreement, reached in communication, in the context of discourse ethics is regarded as the realization of the principle of morality. In the knowledge society is the most important condition for the existence of a multi-dimensional science.

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Журнал: Вестник Томского государственного университета. Философия. Социология. Политология

Выпуск журнала: 4-вып. 1

Номера страниц: 122-128

ISSN журнала: 1998863X

Место издания: Томск

Издатель: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет


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