Серьги из средневекового могильника Проспихинская Шивера-IV на Ангаре


Перевод названия: Earrings from the medieval burial site Prospihinskaya ShiveraIV

Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2013

Ключевые слова: Northern Angara, middle ages, jewelry, earrings, Северное Приангарье, средние века, украшения, серьги

Аннотация: Рассматриваются серьги, найденные на средневековом могильнике Проспихинская Шивера-IV, расположенном в Северном Приангарье. Были выделены основные типы серег, определены их датировка и распространение. Серьги в виде знака вопроса были встречены в наиболее поздних погребениях могильника, относящихся к монгольскому времени. СпиралевиПоказать полностьюдные серьги сопровождают комплексы, устроенные не позднее конца XII - начала XIII в., а кольчатые серьги отмечены среди материалов XI-XIV вв. Автор предполагает, что серьги поступали в район исследования как предметы импорта из сопредельных территорий. This article provides the earrings found in medieval cemetery Prospihinskaya Shiver-IV, located in the lower reaches of the River. For the period 20092011 on the monument were found 88 medieval burials performed according to the rite of cremation on the side. Total on the monument was found 35 different safety earrings in 22 burials. In production material, they are divided into groups, according to the form collection into types, variants are distinguished by detail designs. It was identified three main types: earrings in the form of a question mark (11 copies), the form of spiral twisted wire (8 copies.), segmented rings (16 copies). Earrings in the form of a question mark are widespread among the nomads in the XIII-XIV centuries. In Siberia they are present in the Tomsk Ob area, Altai, East Transbaikal area, Olkhon island. The earliest record about spiral earrings were found in a Relka burial mounds (VI-VII centuries.), as well as in the materials of Saratovka cemetery, located in the Kuznetsk Basin (V-VIII centuries). Similar earrings were found in burial of X-XII centuries. Berezovy Island 1 in Novosibirsk Ob area in materials of medieval burials cemetery Kibalino of Western Transbaikal (XI-XIV centuries.). Simple ringed earrings appear in Siberia since the end I millennium AD and continue to prevail until the late Middle Ages. The materials of the early II millennium AD are known in the Novosibirsk and Tomsk Ob area, in the Chulym area, in the Kuznetsk basin. In the North Angara were not found evidence of local bronze casting or jewelry to the Middle Ages. Apparently, the earrings came here ready-made, being a kind of "import" items. In particular, this is confirmed by the X-ray fluorescence analysis of metal pair of spiral earrings from the burial № 90 According to its results there were found that both rings are made of one alloy, or more precisely from the complex brass (zinc, 7-9 %), with the addition of tin (5-6 %) and lead (1-1.5 %). Manufacturing of brass is quite complicated in terms of technology process, which could hardly be implemented in the lower stream of Angara river. Earrings, which were found at the cemetery Prospihinskaya Shivera-IV, are widely similar in materials of adjacent territories gated complexes. Earrings in the form of the question mark were found in the most recent burial tombs belonging to the Mongolian time. Spiral earrings accompany complexes, arranged by the end of XII - the beginning of XIII century, and ringed earrings found among materials XI-XIV centuries.

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Журнал: Вестник Томского государственного университета. История

Выпуск журнала: 3

Номера страниц: 285-288

ISSN журнала: 19988613

Место издания: Томск

Издатель: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет


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