Isospectral genus two graphs are isomorphic


Тип публикации: статья из журнала (материалы конференций, опубликованные в журналах)

Конференция: Workshop on Graph Embeddings and Maps on Surfaces (GEMS); Smolenice, SLOVAKIA; Smolenice, SLOVAKIA

Год издания: 2016

Ключевые слова: Graph, Laplacian spectrum, isospectral graphs, Laplacian polynomial, spanning tree

Аннотация: By a graph we mean a finite connected multigraph without bridges. The genus of a graph is the dimension of its homology group. Two graphs are isospectral is they share the same Laplacian spectrum. We prove that two genus two graphs are isospectral if and only if they are isomorphic. Also, we present two isospectral bridgeless genusПоказать полностьюthree graphs that are not isomorphic. The paper is motivated by the following open problem posed by Peter Buser: are isospectral Riemann surfaces of genus two isometric?

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Выпуск журнала: Vol. 10, Is. 2

Номера страниц: 223-235

ISSN журнала: 18553966

Место издания: KOPER

Издатель: UP FAMNIT
