Компьютерные игры и игровая журналистика



Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2015

Ключевые слова: video game, virtual art reality, interactivity, genre, game-play, technical art, видеоигра, художественная виртуальная реальность, интерактивность, жанр, геймплей, техническое искусство

Аннотация: Компьютерная игра предстает в качестве единственного вида виртуальной художественной культуры. Компьютерная виртуальная реальность, в которую «погружается» зритель, является концептуально новым художественным пространством и выступает специфической сферой коммуникативной деятельности, возникающей во время контакта со зрителем и реаПоказать полностьюлизующейся только в процессе этого контакта. Неизбежно процесс расширения формы и содержания коммуникации людей распространяется и на игровые рецензии, написанные профессиональными геймерами-журналистами. The present paper focuses on genre peculiarities of video games and video game journalism. The subject (matter) of my study is a video gaming as a genre of art that uses the technical basis of computer virtual reality (PC, game console, mobile phone, or other electronic devices). The scope of these genres is limited to the sphere of electronic devices and the method of artistic activity cannot be duplicated by other means. In this article I attempt to explain the mechanisms of video game reality as virtual art culture. Real culture is placed in the physical properties of the material used in accordance with the fundamental natural laws. It is important to emphasize that virtual art culture comprehends and re-creates the reality. Speaking of virtual art culture, we mean the artistic phenomenon that exists within the processing methods and developed its specific artistic language of an artistic image, and all that is beyond the scope of these tricks is related to virtual culture in general as a socio-cultural phenomenon. The chief aim of this paper is to investigate video game reality as a genre of unique virtual art culture. After analyzing the data, it is concluded that: br/br1. The video game is the only type of virtual art culture br/br2. Computer virtual reality, in which a game player or a viewer “dives”, is conceptually a new art space and performs a specific sphere of communicative activity that occurs during contact with the audience, and only realized in the process of this contact. Activity of the participants involved in the creation and development of virtual art reality, creates an environment for the formation of subcultures, free and active empathy, joint action of the spectator and character. br/br3. Inevitably the process of extending the form and content of communication among people extends to reviews of video games, written by professional journalists who are video game players. Creating reviews in video gaming journalism depends on gaming activity and multi-core gaming abilities of a journalist. br/brReview of the game in video game journalism is an integral, synthetic genre of technical arts, contributes to the growth of activity of participants, involving them into the development of a new multivariational reality.

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Журнал: Вестник Челябинского государственного университета

Выпуск журнала: 5

Номера страниц: 343-350

ISSN журнала: 19942796

Место издания: Челябинск

Издатель: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования Челябинский государственный университет


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