Post-knowledge Economy and Lifelong Language Learning: New Agendas and Issues


Тип публикации: научное издание

Год издания: 2022

Идентификатор DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-98566-0_1

Ключевые слова: Post-knowledge society, Human capital and lifelong language learning, Lifelong language learning in national contexts, Commodification of foreign languages in lifelong learning perspective

Аннотация: Despite being a late twentieth century concept, LLL is continuing to attract the attention of scholars, policymakers and practitioners. LLL principles, strategies and practices, while remaining inviolable in their foundations, require research to continually revisit them in relation to current trends, for example, the post-globalisПоказать полностьюing world; the post-knowledge society; the digital economy and digitalisation of all spheres of human life, including education; the coronavirus pandemic and the possibility of increased ‘hybrid' forms of learning. In response to these developments, the chapter poses and addresses a number of problems related to the future positioning of LLL as a contributor to new forms of human capital development required to respond to the above challenges. The chapter pays special attention to LLL as an educational open continuum concerned with socio-, inter-, and poly-cultural personality development at the level of informal language education and how it prepares students to respond to potential changes in their future professional careers, while also raising issues about the commercial role of language proficiency and the commodification of language as a factor of success in the professional and social spheres of human life. Finally, the chapter discusses the permanent development parameters of student communicative individuality and identifies the characteristics of the life spheres in which people can realize their personal potential through continuous language improving. By blending conceptual and practical issues, the chapter offers a new strategic and practical perspective on LLL implementation.

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Журнал: Adult English Language Teaching

Выпуск журнала: Volume 29

Номера страниц: 1-24

Место издания: Cham


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