Fostering Engineering Thinking with Curriculum Integrated STEM Game : доклад, тезисы доклада


Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций

Конференция: The 13th International CDIO Conference; Calgary; Calgary

Год издания: 2017

Ключевые слова: stem, gamification, Introduction to Engineering, engineering thinking, Standards 3, Standards 4, Standards 7

Аннотация: This paper shares the experience of implementation of STEM-based learning in the first year of engineering undergraduate programs for Metallurgy Engineering, Heat Engineering and Welding Engineering. STEM-based gaming competition “Engineering Cluster” is implemented under the scope of networking collaboration between Siberian FederПоказать полностьюal University and Moscow Polytechnic University in the first semester of 2016-17. The paper substantiates role and importance of STEM gaming activities at the stage of adaptation to learning process in university. Major issues concerning partial gamification of learning content are described. The results of “Engineering Cluster” competition showed that significant point is made in students' abilities for self-study and solving interdisciplinary problems. Moreover, the game put attention to practical importance of natural sciences for understanding engineering problems. Overall, the proposed learning model could be a ground for change of mindset of both faculty and students on how traditional disciplines can be taught and learned.

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Журнал: The 13th International CDIO Conference Proceedings

Номера страниц: 223-234

Издатель: University of Calgary


  • Gafurova N.V. (Siberian Federal University)
  • Arnautov A. (Siberian Federal University)
  • Fedoseev A. (Moscow Polytechnic University)
  • Fadeev Ya. (Moscow Polytechnic University)

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