Research of tools influencing the engagement of potential customers in social media as one of the ways to improve the effectiveness of SMM in organisations through the example of the Instagram community @mebel_rummix : научное издание


Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2020

Идентификатор DOI: 10.46224/ecoc.2020.4.4

Ключевые слова: social media, social media marketing, internet marketing, SMM strategy, content plan, engagement index, social media audience

Аннотация: Over the past ten years, an increasing number of organisations have gone beyond "personal pages" and viewed social media as a promising channel of communication with customers, partners, and employees. The attractiveness of social media marketing is primarily due to its accessibility for small and medium-sized businesses, which makПоказать полностьюes it possible to compete with large companies in informing a potential audience about goods and services. However, business promotion in social media is not always successful due to the low reach and level of audience involvement. It is assumed that over the history of social media, a set of engagement management tools has been formed that can be structured, described, and proposed for use as a method for improving the effectiveness of social media marketing organisations. Empirical and theoretical research methods were used to test the suggested hypothesis: 1) analysis of literature and Internet sources; 2) synthesis of the received information; 3) an experiment to evaluate the results of the practical application of several engagement management tools at the same time. Based on the research data, a classification of engagement management tools is proposed for the first time, including six groups: analytical, visual, content, technical, advertising, and reputational. The effectiveness of using analytical, visual, content, and advertising tools has been experimentally proven and confirmed by statistics from the social media analytics services Popsters and LiveDune through the example of the @mebel_rummix community. The main result of the research is a generalisation of existing engagement management tools in practice into a single controlled methodological approach to improve the effectiveness of social media marketing organisations.

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Журнал: Economic Consultant

Выпуск журнала: 4

Номера страниц: 28-40

ISSN журнала: 26869012

Место издания: Воронеж

Издатель: ООО "Научно-образовательная инициатива"


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