The Brand as a Tool for Agricultural Products Promotion in the Region : доклад, тезисы доклада


Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций

Конференция: Ecological-Socio-Economic Systems: Models of Competition and Cooperation (ESES 2019); Kurgan, Russia; Kurgan, Russia

Год издания: 2020

Ключевые слова: brand, region, marketing, promotion, agro-industrial complex, agricultural products, rural areas

Аннотация: Strengthening of positions in the agricultural products market creates additional opportunities for the socioeconomic development of the Krasnoyarsk territory. In turn, the increase in agricultural production of the region, the expansion of the products range is possible only through the marketing technologies involvement. The branПоказать полностьюd is the main tool in the promotion of agricultural products, and the branding process is a necessary condition in achieving the goals. The subject of the study is the organizational and economic aspects of the formation of the regional brand of agricultural products in the region. The subject of the research is the organizational and economic aspects of the formation of the agricultural products regional brand in the territory. The object of the research is the food market of the Krasnoyarsk territory, considered at the meso-level. Special attention is given to the analysis of the state and strategic prospects of agriculture development in the Krasnoyarsk territory, to the food brands analysis in the region, to the typology of producers by product and raw materials used. The novelty of the research lies in the development of the authors' approach to creating the agricultural products brand of the Siberian region, which will distinguish it among a wide range of similar products from other manufacturers through the use of effective tools and marketing technologies.

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Журнал: Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

Выпуск журнала: 392

Номера страниц: 178-184

Издатель: Atlantis Press


  • Pyzhikova N.I. (Krasnoyarsk state agricultural university)
  • Smirnova T.A. (Siberian Federal University)
  • Chepeleva K.V. (Krasnoyarsk state agricultural university)
  • Shmeleva Zh.N. (Krasnoyarsk state agricultural university)

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