Методика создания персонализированного обучающего контента : научное издание



Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2019

Идентификатор DOI: 10.17223/16095944/2/7

Ключевые слова: адаптивный электронный обучающий ресурс, индивидуальная образовательная траектория, персонализированный обучающий контент, электронное обучение, дистанционные образовательные технологии, перцептивная модальность, LMS Moodle, adaptive electronic training resource, individual educational trajectory, personalized training content, e-Learning, Distance Learning Technologies, perceptual modality

Аннотация: Представлена модель изучения дисциплины с использованием адаптивного электронного обучающего ресурса. Рассмотрены особенности построения индивидуальных образовательных траекторий с применением инструментального аппарата платформы электронного обучения LMS Moodle. Описан опыт практической реализации персонализированного обучающего кПоказать полностьюонтента. Проведен анализ результатов экспериментов по внедрению в учебный процесс адаптивных электронных обучающих ресурсов, оценены вовлеченность студентов в учебный процесс, трудоемкость изучения дисциплины, эффективность обучения. Установлено, что применение предлагаемой методики обучения с использованием адаптивных электронных обучающих ресурсов приводит к статистически значимым (на уровне 95 % по критерию c2) отличиям результатов обучения. The article presents a model for studying the engineering discipline using an adaptive electronic learning resource, including input testing to identify the trajectory of studying theoretical material; the study of theoretical material on the division of the discipline set out in one of the three editions, with the aim of acquiring the knowledge component formed in the course of studying the discipline of competencies; testing the theoretical part of the section in order to assess the level of development of the theoretical component and determine the further learning trajectory; performance of practical tasks on the topic of the section in order to acquire skills as one of the components of the formed competencies; performance of test tasks in the practical part of the section in order to acquire sustainable skills in performing operations and determining the further learning path; final testing for the course, including theoretical questions and practical tasks. The features of the construction of individual educational trajectories are considered subject to the implementation of the automatic process of formation of educational trajectories by the built-in tools of the LMS Moodle e-learning platform. The experience of the practical implementation of personalized learning content that takes into account the dominant perceptual modality, the speed and efficiency of learning educational information, taking into account psycho-physiological features, is described. A method of creating learning content for audial students based on slide lectures is proposed. An example of creating learning content for kinesthetic students based on test questions such as drag-and-drop into text, drag-and-drop markers using Drag-and-drop technology is considered. The analysis of the results of experiments on the introduction of adaptive e-learning resources into the educational process was carried out, the involvement of students in the educational process, the effectiveness of training, as well as the complexity of studying the discipline were evaluated. The results analysis of experiments on introduction to educational process of the adaptive electronic training resources, the involvement of students into educational process, learning efficiency and also labor input of discipline studying is estimated. It is revealed that higher involvement in the educational process, less laboriousness in studying sections of the discipline and greater learning efficiency are observed in an experimental group of students studying using an adaptive electronic learning resource, compared to a control group of students in which traditional classroom studies were conducted. It has been established that the application of the proposed teaching methodology with the use of adaptive electronic learning resources leads to statistically significant (at the level of 95% on the χ2 criterion) differences in learning outcomes.

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Журнал: Открытое и дистанционное образование

Выпуск журнала: 2

Номера страниц: 51-63

ISSN журнала: 16095944

Место издания: Томск

Издатель: Ассоциация образовательных и научных учреждений "Сибирский открытый университет"


  • Пожаркова И.Н. (ФГБОУ ВО Сибирская пожарно-спасательная академия ГПС МЧС России)

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