The usage of boilers with a vortex furnace for burning enrichment products and deballasting coal


Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций

Конференция: XVIII International Coal Preparation Congress: 28 June-01 July 2016 Saint-Petersburg, Russia; Санкт-Петербург, Россия; Санкт-Петербург, Россия

Год издания: 2016

Идентификатор DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-40943-6_51

Ключевые слова: Boilers with vortex furnaces, Coal-water slurry fuel, Deballasting fuel, Filter cake, Furnace “tornado”, Products of coal enrichment, Sulfur-absorbing reagent

Аннотация: The article shows the possibility of efficient combustion of the products of enrichment and deballasting coal using low-temperature vortex technology of burning in boilers equipped with combustion chamber “Tornado”, which is implemented with joint flare-vortex grate and the burning fuel. This technology is applicable to virtually aПоказать полностьюny kind of solid fuels and wastes. Due to the active aerodynamic structure of gas and fuel flows established in the furnace space, the vortex combustion technology can effectively reduce the sulfur oxides in the flue gas while burning high sulfur fuel. In this case, into the combustion space of the boiler is carried out simultaneous supply of fuel and sulfur-absorbing reagent (SAR). The article presents the research results of the possibility to suppress the release of sulfur oxides due to the suspension coal-water fuel (CWF) preparation with the simultaneous entry in the CWF along with the reagent-plasticizer of sulferabsorbing reagent. The work is performed with the financial support of the State in the person of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation within implementation of the Federal target program ‘Researches and Development on the Priority Directions of Development of Scientific and Technological Complex of Russia for 2014 - 2020’, as per the Agreement #14.583.21.0004 regarding Granting a Subsidy of July 16, 2014. The unique identifier of the scientific researches (project) of RFMEFI58314X0004. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016.

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Журнал: XVIII International Coal Preparation Congress

Номера страниц: 345-350


  • Murko V.I. (CJSC Scient. Production Enterprise «Sibecotechnika«, 654079 Kommunarov Street 2, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region, Russian Federation)
  • Puzyryov E.M. («ProEnergoMash« LTD, 656023 Yuzhnyi Street 17A, Barnaul, Russian Federation)
  • Karpenok V.I. (CJSC Scient. Production Enterprise «Sibecotechnika«, 654079 Kommunarov Street 2, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region, Russian Federation)
  • Fedyaev V.I. (CJSC Scient. Production Enterprise «Sibecotechnika«, 654079 Kommunarov Street 2, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region, Russian Federation)
  • Baranova M.P. (Siberian Federal University, 660074 Kirensky Street 26, Krasnoyarsk city, Russian Federation)

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