
Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций

Конференция: Проблемы управления и моделирования в сложных системах; Самара; Самара

Год издания: 2014

Ключевые слова: Н - процесс, дуальное управление, непараметрические модели, адаптивное управление, безынерционный стохастический объект, запаздывание

Аннотация: The subject of this report are research problem identification and management processes in tubular conditions of nonparametric uncertainty. An essential feature of this study is that identification, as well as the management of the process takes place in an environment where the parametric structure of the model is unknown due to lПоказать полностьюack of a priori information about the process under study. In the case where a priori information is not sufficient for parameterising the process model, it is advisable to use non-parametric control systems theory. Nonparametric theory, unlike parametric suggests that known only to the qualitative characteristics of the process. This means nonparametric control theory eliminates the step of determining the parametric model structure of the object. The report examines the nonparametric models freewheeling objects with delay and, accordingly, nonparametric control algorithms similar, discrete-continuous processes. We also give numerical results of non-parametric models and nonparametric methods of numerical simulation regulators.

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Журнал: Проблемы управления и моделирования в сложных системах

Номера страниц: 610-616

Издатель: Самарский научный центр РАН


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