Global effects of non-native tree species on multiple ecosystem services


Год издания: 2019

Идентификатор DOI: 10.1111/brv.12511

Ключевые слова: biological invasions, cultural ecosystem services, exotic trees, forestry, global assessment, meta-analysis, provisioning ecosystem services, regulating ecosystem services

Аннотация: Non-native tree (NNT) species have been transported worldwide to create or enhance services that are fundamental for human well-being, such as timber provision, erosion control or ornamental value; yet NNTs can also produce undesired effects, such as fire proneness or pollen allergenicity. Despite the variety of effects that NNTs hПоказать полностьюave on multiple ecosystem services, a global quantitative assessment of their costs and benefits is still lacking. Such information is critical for decision-making, management and sustainable exploitation of NNTs. We present here a global assessment of NNT effects on the three main categories of ecosystem services, including regulating (RES), provisioning (PES) and cultural services (CES), and on an ecosystem disservice (EDS), i.e. pollen allergenicity. By searching the scientific literature, country forestry reports, and social media, we compiled a global data set of 1683 case studies from over 125 NNT species, covering 44 countries, all continents but Antarctica, and seven biomes. Using different meta-analysis techniques, we found that, while NNTs increase most RES (e.g. climate regulation, soil erosion control, fertility and formation), they decrease PES (e.g. NNTs contribute less than native trees to global timber provision). Also, they have different effects on CES (e.g. increase aesthetic values but decrease scientific interest), and no effect on the EDS considered. NNT effects on each ecosystem (dis)service showed a strong context dependency, varying across NNT types, biomes and socio-economic conditions. For instance, some RES are increased more by NNTs able to fix atmospheric nitrogen, and when the ecosystem is located in low-latitude biomes; some CES are increased more by NNTs in less-wealthy countries or in countries with higher gross domestic products. The effects of NNTs on several ecosystem (dis)services exhibited some synergies (e.g. among soil fertility, soil formation and climate regulation or between aesthetic values and pollen allergenicity), but also trade-offs (e.g. between fire regulation and soil erosion control). Our analyses provide a quantitative understanding of the complex synergies, trade-offs and context dependencies involved for the effects of NNTs that is essential for attaining a sustained provision of ecosystem services. © 2019 The Authors. Biological Reviews published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Cambridge Philosophical Society.

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Журнал: Biological Reviews


  • Castro-Diez Pilar (Univ Alcala De Henares, Fac Ciencias, Dept Ciencias Vida, E-28805 Alcala De Henares, Spain)
  • Vaz Ana Sofia (Univ Porto, Res Ctr Biodivers & Genet Resources InBIO CIBIO, Res Network Biodivers & Evolutionary Biol, P-4485661 Vairao, Portugal; Univ Porto, Fac Ciencias, P-4169007 Porto, Portugal)
  • Silva Joaquim S. (Polytech Inst Coimbra, Coll Agr, P-3045601 Coimbra, Portugal; Univ Lisbon, Sch Agr, Ctr Appl Ecol Prof Baeta Neves InBIO CEABN, P-1349017 Lisbon, Portugal)
  • van Loo Marcela (Univ Vienna, Dept Bot & Biodivers Res, A-1030 Vienna, Austria)
  • Alonso Alvaro (Univ Alcala De Henares, Fac Ciencias, Dept Ciencias Vida, E-28805 Alcala De Henares, Spain)
  • Aponte Cristina (Univ Melbourne, Fac Sci, Sch Ecosyst & Forest Sci, Richmond, Vic 3121, Australia)
  • Bayon Alvaro (CSIC, EBD, Dept Integrat Ecol, E-41092 Seville, Spain)
  • Bellingham Peter J. (Landcare Res, Lincoln 7640, New Zealand)
  • Chiuffo Mariana C. (Univ Nacl Comahue, CONICET, INIBIOMA, Grp Ecol Invasiones, Ave Pioneros 2350, San Carlos De Bariloche, Rio Negro, Argentina)
  • DiManno Nicole (Univ Hawaii, Dept Biol, Hilo, HI 96720 USA)
  • Julian Kahua (Univ Hawaii, Dept Biol, Hilo, HI 96720 USA)
  • Kandert Susanne (Univ Gottingen, D-37073 Gottingen, Germany)
  • La Porta Nicola (Fdn Edmund Mach, IASMA Res & Innovat Ctr, I-38010 Trento, Italy; European Forest Inst, MOUNTFOR Project Ctr, I-38010 Trento, Italy)
  • Marchante Helia (Univ Coimbra, Dept Life Sci, Ctr Funct Ecol, P-3000456 Coimbra, Portugal)
  • Maule Hamish G. (Landcare Res, Lincoln 7640, New Zealand)
  • Mayfield Margaret M. (Univ Queensland, Sch Biol Sci, Brisbane, Qld 4072, Australia)
  • Metcalfe Daniel (Ecosci Precinct, CSIRO Land & Water, Dutton Pk, Brisbane, Qld 4102, Australia)
  • Monteverdi M. Cristina (CREA Res Ctr Foresty & Wood, Viale Santa Margherita 80, I-52100 Arezzo, Italy)
  • Nunez Martin A. (Univ Nacl Comahue, CONICET, INIBIOMA, Grp Ecol Invasiones, Ave Pioneros 2350, San Carlos De Bariloche, Rio Negro, Argentina)
  • Ostertag Rebecca (Univ Hawaii, Dept Biol, Hilo, HI 96720 USA)
  • Parker Ingrid M. (Landcare Res, Lincoln 7640, New Zealand)
  • Peltzer Duane A. (Landcare Res, Lincoln 7640, New Zealand)
  • Potgieter Luke J. (Stellenbosch Univ, Dept Bot & Zool, Ctr Invas Biol, ZA-7602 Matieland, South Africa)
  • Raymundo Maia (Univ Queensland, Sch Biol Sci, Brisbane, Qld 4072, Australia)
  • Rayome Donald (US Forest Serv, USDA, Inst Pacific Islands Forestry, Hilo, HI USA)
  • Reisman-Berman Orna (Ben Gurion Univ Negev, Blaustein Inst Desert Res, French Associates Inst Agr & Biotechnol Drylands, IL-84990 Beer Sheva, Israel)
  • Richardson David M. (Stellenbosch Univ, Dept Bot & Zool, Ctr Invas Biol, ZA-7602 Matieland, South Africa)
  • Roos Ruben E. (Norwegian Univ Life Sci, Fac Environm Sci & Nat Resource Management, As, Norway)
  • Saldana Asuncion (Univ Alcala De Henares, Fac Ciencias, Dept Ciencias Vida, E-28805 Alcala De Henares, Spain)
  • Shackleton Ross T. (Stellenbosch Univ, Dept Bot & Zool, Ctr Invas Biol, ZA-7602 Matieland, South Africa)
  • Torres Agostina (Univ Nacl Comahue, CONICET, INIBIOMA, Grp Ecol Invasiones, Ave Pioneros 2350, San Carlos De Bariloche, Rio Negro, Argentina)
  • Trudgen Melinda (CSIRO Land & Water, Wembley, WA 6913, Australia; Univ Western Australia, Sch Biol Sci, Crawley, WA 6009, Australia)
  • Urban Josef (Mendel Univ Brno, Fac Forestry & Wood Technol, Brno 61300, Czech Republic; Siberian Fed Univ, Krasnoyarsk 660041, Russia)
  • Vicente Joana R. (Univ Porto, Res Ctr Biodivers & Genet Resources InBIO CIBIO, Res Network Biodivers & Evolutionary Biol, P-4485661 Vairao, Portugal; Univ Tras os Montes & Alto Douro, CITAB Ctr Res & Technol Agroenvironm & Biol Sci, Lab Appl Ecol, Vila Real, Portugal)
  • Vila Montserrat (CSIC, EBD, Dept Integrat Ecol, E-41092 Seville, Spain)
  • Ylioja Tiina (Nat Resources Inst Finland Luke, FI-00791 Helsinki, Finland)
  • Zenni Rafael D. (Univ Fed Lavras, Dept Biol, Setor Ecol, BR-37200000 Lavras, MG, Brazil)
  • Godoy Oscar (Univ Cadiz, Campus Excelencia Int Mar CEIMAR, Inst Univ Invest Marina INMAR, Fac Cc Mar & Ambientales,Dept Biol, E-11510 Puerto Real, Spain)