Fan-hinged shear as a unique mechanism of dynamic shear ruptures : научное издание


Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2017

Идентификатор DOI: 10.4028/

Ключевые слова: computational algorithm, Fan-hinged rupture mechanism, Fan-shaped wave, Lagrange equations, Structure of shear rupture

Аннотация: Recently a new fan-hinged shear rupture mechanism has been identified as a unique mechanism of dynamic shear ruptures. In the fan-mechanism, the shear rupture propagation is driven by a fan-shaped rupture head consisting of an echelon of intercrack (domino-like) blocks formed due to the consecutive creation of small tensile cracks Показать полностьюin the rupture tip. The fan-structure propagates through the intact material as a wave and has a number of extraordinary features, one of which is extremely low shear resistance of the rupture head (below the frictional strength). Here we present a mathematical model elucidating the principles of this new mechanism. The model will support comprehensive studies of unique features of the discovered phenomenon.

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Журнал: Solid State Phenomena

Выпуск журнала: Т.258 SSP

Номера страниц: 165-168

ISSN журнала: 16629779

Издатель: Trans Tech Publications Ltd


  • Tarasov B. (The University of Western Australia)
  • Guzev M. (Institute for Applied Mathematics FEB RAS)
  • Losev A. (Institute for Applied Mathematics FEB RAS)
  • Sadovskiy V. (Institute of Computational Modeling SB RAS)

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