Тип публикации: научное издание
Год издания: 2008
Ключевые слова: Two-phase and vapor-liquid flows,, direct numerical simulation,, validation aspect,, single gas bubble and bubble group experiments
Аннотация: In spite of long history of studies on two-phase and vapor-liquid flows there is still no satisfactory computational approach for determining the moving of different phases and behavior of two-phase mixtures. The development of computational methods and algorithms for solving the problems of heat and mass transfer in incompressibleПоказать полностьюmedia taking into account surface tension forces, as well as development of computational modules for three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code of present-day standards of calculation techniques and numerical methods are very important. ?One of the most frequent two-phase CFD flows is bubble flow. The regime is realized in developed liquid boiling on variously oriented surfaces, two-phase flow in vertical and horizontal channels. The method of direct numerical modeling being elaborated and used today, need the thorough testing on available experimental and analytical data in literature, in particular on the tests describing steady motion of single gas bubble and bubble group in large volume of incompressible liquid. In this connection, the development of the tests system (validation matrix) for verification of the developed software for direct modeling of bubble flows and generalization of results as regimes map for emerging bubble or bubble group are very important. In this paper the features of numerical methodology developed in IBRAE RAS (Moscow) for modeling of bubble flows are submitted and the validation results on the basis of experiments conducted in IT SB RAS (Novosibirsk) are presented.
Выпуск журнала: Выпуск 3
Номера страниц: 128-145
Место издания: Москва
Издатель: Федеральное государственное унитарное предприятие "Академический научно-издательский, производственно-полиграфический и книгораспространительский центр "Наука"