Redefinition of Crystal Structure and Bi3+ Yellow Luminescence with Strong Near-Ultraviolet Excitation in La3BWO9:Bi3+ Phosphor for White Light-Emitting Diodes : сборник научных трудов


Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2018

Идентификатор DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b00808

Ключевые слова: borotungstates, yellow phosphor, Bi3+ luminescence, X-ray diffraction, crystal structure, WLEDs

Аннотация: Bi3+-activated photonic materials have received increased interest recently because they can be excited effectively with near-ultraviolet (NUV) but not visible light, thereby avoiding the reabsorption among phosphors, which cannot be solved intrinsically by traditional rare earth (e.g., Eu2+, Ce3+) phosphors. Such unique property sПоказать полностьюuggests their potential application in NUV chip -based WLEDs. However, few Bi3+ phosphors exhibit strong excitation peak in NUV, though the excitation tail of some can extend to NUV. Herein, we report a novel yellow-emitting La3BWO9:Bi3+ (LBW:Bi3+) phosphor with strong NUV excitation. The photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy analysis indicates that there are two Bi3+ luminescent centers in LBW:Bi3+ phosphor, which is clearly in contradiction with the established hexagonal structure of La3BWO9 with P6(3) space group because only one La site in this structure can accommodate Bi3+ ions. Combining the luminescent properties of Bi3+ with Rietveld refinement, La3BWO9 was redefined as a trigonal structure with the lower space group of P3 in which there are two independent crystallographic La sites. In addition, the rationalization of P3 space group was further confirmed by the finding of the reflection (0001) according to the extinction rule. Therefore, the PL behavior of Bi3+ can act as a complementary tool to determinate the real crystal structure especially when it is hard to distinguish by conventional X-ray diffraction techniques.

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Выпуск журнала: Vol. 10, Is. 16

Номера страниц: 13660-13668

ISSN журнала: 19448244

Место издания: WASHINGTON



  • Han Jin (South China Univ Technol, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Luminescent Mat & Devices, Guangdong Engn Technol Res & Dev,Ctr Special Opt, Guangzhou 510641, Guangdong, Peoples R China; South China Univ Technol, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Guangdong Prov Key Lab Fiber Laser Mat & Appl Tec, Guangzhou 510641, Guangdong, Peoples R China)
  • Pan Fengjuan (Peking Univ, Coll Chem & Mol Engn, Beijing 100871, Peoples R China)
  • Molokeev Maxim S. (Fed Res Ctr KSC SB RAS, Kirensky Inst Phys, Lab Crystal Phys, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russia; Far Eastern State Transport Univ, Dept Phys, Khabarovsk 680021, Russia; Siberian Fed Univ, Krasnoyarsk 660079, Russia)
  • Dai Junfeng (South China Univ Technol, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Luminescent Mat & Devices, Guangdong Engn Technol Res & Dev,Ctr Special Opt, Guangzhou 510641, Guangdong, Peoples R China; South China Univ Technol, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Guangdong Prov Key Lab Fiber Laser Mat & Appl Tec, Guangzhou 510641, Guangdong, Peoples R China)
  • Peng Mingying (South China Univ Technol, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Luminescent Mat & Devices, Guangdong Engn Technol Res & Dev,Ctr Special Opt, Guangzhou 510641, Guangdong, Peoples R China; South China Univ Technol, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Guangdong Prov Key Lab Fiber Laser Mat & Appl Tec, Guangzhou 510641, Guangdong, Peoples R China)
  • Zhou Weijie (Sun Yat Sen Univ, Sch Chem, Guangzhou 510275, Guangdong, Peoples R China)
  • Wang Jing (Sun Yat Sen Univ, Sch Chem, Guangzhou 510275, Guangdong, Peoples R China)