Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций
Конференция: International Scientific Conference Reshetnev Readings 2015; Красноярск, Россия; Красноярск, Россия
Год издания: 2016
Идентификатор DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/122/1/012021
Ключевые слова: Alignment, Approximation algorithms, Corrosion, Dissimilar materials, Electron beams, Electron guns, Electrons, Magnetic fields, Magnetism, Thermoelectricity, Welding, Approximate formulas, Deflection angles, Effect of magnetic field, Scanning electron beam, Synchronous detection methods, Thermoelectric currents, Welded seams, X ray sensors, Electron beam welding
Аннотация: The paper presents the approximate formulas for calculating the deflection angle and the misalignment of the electron beam from the optical axis of the electron gun caused by the action of magnetic fields during the electron beam welding. Mathematical model of the effect of magnetic field induced by thermoelectric currents on the eПоказать полностьюlectron beam position in the process of electron beam welding of dissimilar materials is presented. The method of monitoring of the misalignment of the scanning electron beam and its mathematical model are proposed. Monitoring of the misalignment of the scanning electron beam is based on the processing of the signal of the collimated X-ray sensor directed to the optical axis of the electron gun by synchronous detection method. The method of compensation of the effect of magnetic fields by passing through the welded seam the currents which compensate thermoelectric currents is considered. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
Журнал: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Выпуск журнала: Vol. 122, Is. 1