Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций
Конференция: SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference 2020, RPTC 2020
Год издания: 2020
Аннотация: Liquid hydrocarbon quantity optimization is among key technological indicators in the gas condensate fields development. To achieve it one needs to select and maintain optimal well-operating conditions. In this case, multiphase flow measurements are prioritized as an important optimization tool. The article presents a proven recordПоказать полностьюof implementing the technology of instrumentalised virtual multiphase flow metering in the wells of the Vostochno-Makarovskoye gas condensate field to increase the efficiency of liquid hydrocarbon production. Virtual flow metering technologies that use modeling methods and adapt models to actual well-operating parameters aiming at determining well production rates are becoming increasingly popular. At that, the quality of the data at the model input does not often guarantee a qualitative determination of multiphase flow parameters. This article presents a track record of building a virtual multiphase flow meter based on single-phase streamer flow meters mounted on gas wells. Venturi flow meters were used. A series of well tests were conducted in various modes. To configure the streamer model, additional tuning studies were conducted on the separator. While testing the wells, the results of constructing a streamer model were verified by nodal analysis. Copyright 2020, Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Журнал: Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference 2020, RPTC 2020
Издатель: Society of Petroleum Engineers