Specificity of ethnogeny indigenous peoples by central Siberia in the transition from the traditional type of society to modern society


Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2014

Ключевые слова: Altai Territory, Central Siberia, Dolgan, Ethnogenesis, Evenki, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Kumandins

Аннотация: This article focuses on the processes of ethnic and cultural identification and self-identification, which the indigenous peoples of the North of Russia and Siberia, living in the Russian Federation, are currently going through. The post-Soviet cultural practices of preservation of ethnic identity of the small-numbered peoples of SПоказать полностьюiberia-the Kumandins and the Dolgans -are studied. The conclusion is made that there is not any state language policy aimed at preserving of the Kumandin language and Dolgan language. The Kumandins and the Dolgans have active processes of ethnic identification, but the post-Soviet cultural practices do not relate to these processes. Processes of ethnic and linguistic assimilation are accompanied by post-Soviet practices, where state policy does not increase and does not weaken the ethnic identity of the indigenous peoples of Central Siberia. In present time are developed and strengthened social stratum "national elites", which are characterized by symbolic ethnicity. For modern ethnicity processes of Indigenous Peoples of Central Siberia are characterized by dual ethnic identity.

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Журнал: Life Science Journal

Выпуск журнала: Vol. 11, Is. 7

Номера страниц: 409-413


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