Перевод названия: New data onfuneral ceremonialism of the population of the bottom Angarski krai during an iron epoch
Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2013
Ключевые слова: burial ground, burial, early Iron Age, middle ages, могильник, погребение, ранний железный век, средневековье
Аннотация: Впервые публикуются материалы четырех погребений железного века с поселения-могильника Скородумный Бык, расположенного на Ангаре в Мотыгинском районе Красноярского края. Все погребения выполнены по обряду трупосожжения на стороне. Приведены анализ археологического материала и датировка захоронений. Первое погребение относится к ранПоказать полностьюнему железному веку, три других - к средневековью. Archaeological expedition of a museum of the Siberian federal university (Krasnoyarsk) under the direction of the author of article in 2010 the settlement-burial ground Skorodumnyj bik located in Motyginsky area of Krasnoyarsk region on Angara has been opened. As a result of researches 2010 - 2011 on a monument have been revealed materials from a neolith till ethnographic time among which the greatest attention deserve four burials, concerning an iron epoch. All burials are executed on a ceremony cremation on the party. Burial №1 represents an oval hole in which two holes of the smaller sizes have been dug. In one of them ashes died with a bronze knife and a figure of a lion have been buried. In the second on a place the head of the died has been burned. With it the diadem and a beads are found bronze. Over burial two large stones have been put. All bronze products find analogies in materials tagarsky cultures. The exception is made by a diadem. The analysis of an archaeological material and presence of radio carbon date allow to date confidently burial of VI century BC other. Three burials concern the Middle Ages. Burial №2 lay in an oval hole and was blocked by a stone. The accompanying stock is presented iron by a belt buckle and a knife fragment. Dating subject is the buckle on which burial is dated second half I thousand AD. Burial №3 is a burial place war because includes a set of iron tips of arrows, a hatchet, teslo, knifes and «Y» a-shaped subject. All subjects have secondary training. Tips of arrows, a hatchet and «Y» a-shaped subject are original artifacts and are characteristic for a taiga zone of Yenisei and the bottom Angara. The tips of arrows having thorns are especially interesting. But the small level of scrutiny of medieval time in the specified territories doesn't allow to date precisely, the listed subjects of accompanying stock. Ashes of the died have been buried in an oval hole over which it was necessary two small stones. Burial is dated XI - XIV centuries. Burial №4 was in a square hole. Any constructions over a tomb or stones it is not revealed. The accompanying stock is presented by iron subjects of a zone set: rectangular buckle, panel board buckle and two plates. Burial is dated X - XI centuries. Dating of all burials of the Middle Ages is preliminary.
Журнал: Вестник Томского государственного университета. История
Выпуск журнала: № 2
Номера страниц: 125-128
ISSN журнала: 19988613
Место издания: Томск
Издатель: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет