Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2020
Идентификатор DOI: 10.17516/1997-1370-0647
Ключевые слова: ancient science, aquinas, aristotle, claudius galen, comments on “timaeus”, comments “on the doctrines of hippocrates, plato, plato”, proclus dyadochus, the scientific method of galen, “nicomachean ethics”, “republic”, “timaeus”
Аннотация: The article discusses methodology of ancient natural science based on the analysis of the fragment 29cd from Plato's “Timaeus” and Comments on this fragment, which were written by Proclus Dyadochus. Particular focus is on the Plato's views on science as “plausible myth”, “probable narration”,. The authors also consider the concept Показать полностьюof διάνοια, “dianoetic virtue” in the “Nicomachean Ethics” by Aristotle and Aquinas' Comments on fragments of the“Nicomachean Ethics” where “dianoetic virtues” are examined. Scientific and medical treatises of the great ancient physician Claudius Galen are defined in this article as universal standard of scientific knowledge. The second chapter of the Galen's Treatise “Περι των Іπποκράτογς και Πλατωνος δογματων” is seen in more detail so that the main constituents of the Galen's scientific method get a full coverage. © Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved
Журнал: Journal of Siberian Federal University - Humanities and Social Sciences
Выпуск журнала: Vol. 13, Is. 8
Номера страниц: 1317-1337