Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций
Конференция: International Conference on Microwave and Telecommunication Technology, CriMiCo 2002; Sevastopol, Crimea; Sevastopol, Crimea
Год издания: 2002
Идентификатор DOI: 10.1109/CRMICO.2002.1137285
Аннотация: A diminutive microstrip sensor with anisotropic magnetic films, which is capable of measuring two components of the magnetic field with a high accuracy, is developed. The structure of the sensor consists of two quarter-wave resonators positioned orthogonal to each other.
Журнал: CriMiCo 2002 - 12th International Conference "Microwave and Telecommunication Technology", Conference Proceedings
Номера страниц: 393-394
Издатель: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.