Variational principles of electrostatics and higher polarizabilities of conductors


Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 1999

Аннотация: Based on variational principles, new concepts of higher polarizability of an isolated conductor are introduced that generalize well-known concepts of capacity and polarizability. It is shown that the lth-order polarizability in a spherical coordinate system is represented by a (2l + 1) ? (2l + 1) matrix. The corresponding (2l+1) poПоказать полностьюtentials can be considered as a system of lth-order multipoles typical of a conductor and more general than systems of spherical multipoles known in electrodynamics. It is exemplified what new results can be obtained using the higher polarizability technique for solving problems in electrostatics. © 1999 Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publisher.

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Журнал: Russian Physics Journal

Выпуск журнала: Vol. 42, Is. 10

Номера страниц: 912-915


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