Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2022
Идентификатор DOI: 10.3390/ma15031220
Ключевые слова: alphaset system, cold-hardening mixture, foundry production, reclaimed product, sand grain micro-specimen
Аннотация: The spent liquid glass mixture, which is widely used in foundries as a binder after knock-ing out of moldings, contains pieces of different sizes and strengths, and there is a strong silicate film on the sand grains themselves. The proposed regeneration plants, which provide for the re-moval of the silicate film by scrubbing, have Показать полностьюlow productivity and lead to abrasion of the grains themselves. For this reason, the knocked-out mixture is taken to the dump. As a result of the study of the state of the spent liquid glass mixture in the dump, it was found that, in the spent mixture that had lain for 8–10 years, under prolonged exposure to atmospheric precipitation at plus and minus temperatures, part of the silicate film dissolves and almost all monolithic pieces are de-stroyed. Further use of hydraulic regeneration allows us to reduce the film thickness and thereby reduce the percentage of liquid glass from 5–5.5% to 0.8–1.2%. This made it possible to select the composition of the molding sand for an automatic line, using the AlpHaset-process, which consists of 22–29% of liquid glass mixture from a dump, 65–72% of liquid glass, 5.5% of liquid glass, and a hardener in the amount of 0.55%. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
Журнал: Materials
Выпуск журнала: Vol. 15, Is. 3
Номера страниц: 1220
ISSN журнала: 19961944
Издатель: MDPI