Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2017
Ключевые слова: Axiological approach, Educational process, Historical knowledge, Historical reflection
Аннотация: The current analysis of teaching problems is dominated by an instrumental and technological approach. However, some works have already traced the idea that historical reflection should also become a major factor in teaching. This is primarily due to the axiological aspects that form our worldview and outlook. Openness as a principlПоказать полностьюe and condition for the development of the world educational system has forced the authors to address the problem of actualization of historical reflection. Historical reflection is the basis of the value orientations of learners' outlook, and the formation of such a reflection is an objective component of the continuous educational process. The authors believe that the problem of historical knowledge and its interpretation has long been a source of the social and moral split of generations, and historicism as the basis of the historical way of thinking loses its objective content. The differentiation of current regulatory value systems distorts axiological meanings, and the social experience of previous generations as the basis of social memory is deprived of the semantic content. Modern Russian educational system in its humanitarian component often substitutes historicism for presentism, which in its extreme form acts as a "historical pop". The authors prove the necessity of a historical and informational approach as a neorealist (structuralist) option of historical knowledge as well as regard the axiological component of historical knowledge as the basis for the creation of objective historical knowledge.
Журнал: Analele Universitatii din Craiova - Seria Istorie
Выпуск журнала: Vol. 31, Is. 1
Номера страниц: 139-147
ISSN журнала: 12245704
Издатель: Editura Universitaria Craiova