Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2018
Идентификатор DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.03.18
Ключевые слова: Defence against manipulation, Discourse analysis, Strategy, Tactic, Verbal countermanipulation
Аннотация: The paper investigates two strategies and four tactics of verbal countermanipulation in Russian language discourse with the help of discourse analysis. The author provides a definition of the term “countermanipulation” and the description of linguistic characteristics of two strategies and four tactics of countermanipulation based Показать полностьюon the analysis of the material taken from various sources (TV debates, radio discussions, etc.). The results show that verbal countermanipulation and its strategies and tactics need to be further examined on a deeper linguistic level with analysis of a larger amount of language material. © 2018, Slovenska Vzdelavacia Obstaravacia. All rights reserved.
Журнал: XLinguae
Выпуск журнала: Vol. 11, Is. 3
Номера страниц: 185-196
ISSN журнала: 13378384
Издатель: Slovenska Vzdelavacia Obstaravacia