Metrics as a tool for managing the potential and effects of productivity growth in non-resource sectors of the region


Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций

Конференция: International Scientific and Practical Conference on Digital Economy and Finances, DEFIN 2021

Год издания: 2021

Идентификатор DOI: 10.1145/3487757.3490888

Ключевые слова: indicative oratorical assessment of reserves, management metrics, non-resource sector of the region's economy, productivity, resource potential

Аннотация: The article presents a methodological tool of regional and municipal management based on the use of existing statistics, integrated into the system of monitoring the processes of socio-economic and innovative development of industries and territories, followed by the adoption of corrective current and long-term strategic decisions.Показать полностьюIt is based on an indicative approach to assessing productivity in the basic non-resource sectors of the territories of the region, reflecting the features of the processes taking place in them related to the state of the resource potential and its use. Performance diagnostics is proposed to be carried out by identifying the most significant factors that, on the one hand, characterize the resources involved in the analyzed processes, and, on the other, the effectiveness of their use, when compared with each other, corresponding indicators are formed. The stages of the process of transformation of productivity factors into management metrics are determined, starting with the definition of the list and the allocation of indicators that characterize the potential and effectiveness of use when they interact with each other. The conversion of indicators into relative units of measurement allows you to switch to metrics that measure the current trends of changes for the period from 2010 to 2019. The assessment of the productivity potential of the non-resource sector of the territories of the region is carried out within the framework of the formed chains of indicators of interfactory interaction aimed at the consistent reproduction of the entire spectrum of resources for scaling the emerging effects. Performance identification includes structuring the resources used by types and relationships between them, which allows us to assess the balance of potential. The productivity potential is assessed within the framework of labor, production, economic and financial types of not only resources, but also their effectiveness. This makes it possible to identify and measure the effects of productivity in non-resource sectors and territories of the region, to conduct their rating and positioning, to organize monitoring. And typing on the basis of the information received forms clusters of territories and simplifies the procedures for making managerial decisions. The presented method of diagnostics of industries and territories of the non-resource sector of the region with the potential for productivity growth allows the subjects of regional and municipal administration to make informed decisions to ensure the necessary and sufficient conditions for supporting their development and implementation. The scientific significance of the methodological tools allows us to solve the problems of creating necessary and sufficient conditions for productivity growth at the system level on the basis of indicative and cluster management mechanisms, taking into account the specifics of non-resource sectors of the economy. The practical significance of the results is due to the possibility of making managerial decisions by the subjects of municipal and regional authorities in the field of support and development of non-resource sectors, the balance of resource and structural changes and management formats to ensure a new quality of economic growth. The methodology was developed within the framework of the RGNF grant No. 19-410-240007 (2020) and tested on the example of the territories of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. © 2021 ACM.

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Журнал: ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

Номера страниц: 3490888

Издатель: Association for Computing Machinery


  • Moskvina A.V. (Siberian Federal University, Russian Federation)
  • Vasilieva Z.A. (Siberian Federal University, Russian Federation)
  • Lihacheva T.P. (Siberian Federal University, Russian Federation)
  • Ruyga I.R. (Siberian Federal University, Russian Federation)

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