Coefficients and functionals of sensitivity for multivariate systems described by integral and integro-differential equations


Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 1999

Ключевые слова: Boundary conditions, Control system analysis, Decision theory, Integrodifferential equations, Lagrange multipliers, Nonlinear control systems, Sensitivity analysis, Variational techniques, Multivariate nonlinear dynamic systems, Multivariable control systems

Аннотация: The variational method of calculation of sensitivity coefficients (components of vector gradient from quality function to constant parameters) and sensitivity functionals (connecting first variation of quality function with variations of variable parameters) for multivariate nonlinear dynamic systems, described by ordinary VolterraПоказать полностью's integral equations of the second genus and by integro-differential equations, is developed. The base of calculation is the decision of corresponding conjugate equations for Lagrange's multipliers in reverse order (on time). The conjugate equations are integral and integro-differential equations with boundary conditions in endpoint.

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Журнал: Advances in modelling and analysis. A, general mathematical and computer tools, Tassin-la-Demi-Lune, France

Выпуск журнала: Vol. 35, Is. 1


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