Flow Regimes Characteristics of Water-crude Oil in a Rectangular Y-microchannel : научное издание


Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2022

Идентификатор DOI: 10.22055/JACM.2021.38784.3282

Ключевые слова: liquid-liquid flow, y-junction, flow regimes, flow map, volume of fluid method (vof)

Аннотация: The paper deals with the investigation of the flow regimes of water and crude oil in a Y-microchannel. Systematic experiments allow distinguishing four different types of water-oil flow regimes in studied microchannel, namely, plug regime, droplet regime, parallel regime, and the first-revealed chaotic regime, as well as defining tПоказать полностьюhe ranges of parameters corresponding to these regimes. The dependences of the water plug length and frequency of their formation in crude oil on various parameters are obtained, and universal correlations are derived. It was demonstrated that when determining the dimensionless plug lengths and the Strouhal number corresponding to droplet detachment, it is necessary to take into account not only the ratio of the dispersed and carrier phase flow rates but also the capillary number. The systematic numerical simulation of the considered flows is conducted using the VOF method. The conducted comparison of the computation and experimental results has shown that the numerical simulation qualitatively correctly predicts the characteristics of water and oil flows in the Y-type channel under consideration. The paper deals with the investigation of the flow regimes of water and crude oil in a Y-microchannel. Systematic experiments allow distinguishing four different types of water-oil flow regimes in studied microchannel, namely, plug regime, droplet regime, parallel regime, and the first-revealed chaotic regime, as well as defining the ranges of parameters corresponding to these regimes. The dependences of the water plug length and frequency of their formation in crude oil on various parameters are obtained, and universal correlations are derived. It was demonstrated that when determining the dimensionless plug lengths and the Strouhal number corresponding to droplet detachment, it is necessary to take into account not only the ratio of the dispersed and carrier phase flow rates but also the capillary number. The systematic numerical simulation of the considered flows is conducted using the VOF method. The conducted comparison of the computation and experimental results has shown that the numerical simulation qualitatively correctly predicts the characteristics of water and oil flows in the Y-type channel under consideration. © 2022. Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0 license) (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/).

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Выпуск журнала: Vol. 8, Is. 2

Номера страниц: 655-670

ISSN журнала: 23834536

Место издания: AHVAZ



  • Pryazhnikov Maxim (Siberian Fed Univ, 79 Svobodny Pr, Krasnoyarsk 660041, Russia; SB RAS, Kutateladze Inst Thermophys, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia)
  • Minakov Andrey (Siberian Fed Univ, 79 Svobodny Pr, Krasnoyarsk 660041, Russia; SB RAS, Kutateladze Inst Thermophys, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia)
  • Guzei Dmitriy (Siberian Fed Univ, 79 Svobodny Pr, Krasnoyarsk 660041, Russia; SB RAS, Kutateladze Inst Thermophys, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia)
  • Pryazhnikov Andrey (Siberian Fed Univ, 79 Svobodny Pr, Krasnoyarsk 660041, Russia)
  • Yakimov Anton S. (Siberian Fed Univ, 79 Svobodny Pr, Krasnoyarsk 660041, Russia)