Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2015
Идентификатор DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2015.480
Ключевые слова: aeroacoustics, noise control, wave scattering, Acoustic variables control, Optical waveguides, Resonance, Cavity structure, Coupled mode theory, Destructive interference, Fano resonances, Shape functions, Three dimensions, Two-mode approximation, Acoustic resonators, accuracy assessment, acoustic wave, data acquisition, noise
Аннотация: We consider bound states in the continuum (BSCs) or embedded trapped modes in two-and three-dimensional acoustic axisymmetric duct-cavity structures. We demonstrate numerically that, under variation of the length of the cavity, multiple BSCs occur due to the Friedrich-Wintgen two-mode full destructive interference mechanism. The BSПоказать полностьюCs are detected by tracing the resonant widths to the points of the collapse of Fano resonances where one of the two resonant modes acquires infinite life-time. It is shown that the approach of the acoustic coupled mode theory cast in the truncated form of a two-mode approximation allows us to analytically predict the BSC frequencies and shape functions to a good accuracy in both two and three dimensions.
Выпуск журнала: Vol. 780
Номера страниц: 370-387
ISSN журнала: 00221120
Место издания: NEW YORK