Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций
Конференция: International Crimean Conference on Microwave and Telecommunication Technology; Sevastopol, UKRAINE; Sevastopol, UKRAINE
Год издания: 2004
Ключевые слова: Bandpass filters, Bandwidth, Electric impedance, Functions, Optimization, Substrates, Tuning, Varactors, Coupling factors, Frequency limits, Frequency range, Hybrid substrates, Microstrip devices
Аннотация: Band-pass filter on the base of irregular microstrip varactor-tuned resonators is studied. The amplitude of the tuning rises with growth of the impedance step between microstrip lines forming the resonator. Maximum of tuning takes place at the ratio of low-impedance part length to high-impedance part length to be 1/2. Ability is deПоказать полностьюmonstrated to design a filter with a constant absolute bandwidth on filter tuning.
Журнал: 14th International Crimean Conference: Microwave & Telecommunication Technology, Conference Proceedings
Номера страниц: 476-478
Место издания: SEVASTOPOL