Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций
Конференция: All-Russian Conference with International Participation "Spatial Data Processing for Monitoring of Natural and Anthropogenic Processes", SDM 2021
Год издания: 2021
Ключевые слова: active combustion zone, radiation, remote data, sub-pixel analysis, wildfire
Аннотация: An improved approach to evaluate thermal anomalies characteristics using the pixel-based analysis of the MODIS imagery was proposed. The approach allows us to improve the accuracy in estimating characteristics of active combustion zones comparing to the standard Dozier method. We used the imagery of active wildfires in Siberian forПоказать полностьюests from the MODIS radiometer acquired in the spectral ranges of 3.930–3.990 and 10.780–11.280 μm (bands 21 and 31, respectively). Nonlinear exponential function was used to describe the approximation of the temperature of combustion zones. Available data of field and numerical experiments were used for validating of the approximation accuracy. Nonlinear approximation of wildfire front temperature allows to determine the portion of the active pixel of the MODIS image with the given temperature excess comparing to the temperature of background cover. This improves the accuracy in extracting of active burning zones as well as in classifying the heat release rate at the sub-pixel level of analysis. © 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
Журнал: CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Выпуск журнала: Vol. 3006
Номера страниц: 161-171
ISSN журнала: 16130073
Издатель: CEUR-WS