Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2017
Ключевые слова: Agrogeosystem, Anthropogenic transformation, Ecological stability, Natural and resource potential
Аннотация: Aim: The article presents the estimation of natural resource potential (NRP) of agrogeosystems of taiga-forest and forest-steppe zones, environmental stability and anthropogenic transformation to further optimization of their functioning. Methods: Agrogeosystems of the typical forest-steppe possess the greatest NRP; the ones of theПоказать полностьюsouth taigaforest zone have middle potential. Agrogeosystems of the open forest-steppe adjoining to a large megalopolis possesses low potential. The intensification of farming determines the degree of anthropogenic transformation of the territory. Agrogeosystems of the open and typical forest-steppe are environmentally unstable, but those of the south taiga-forest zone are stable, which is determined by a small fraction of plowland in the total structure of land resources and extensive territory of subtaiga, occupied by forests of natural origin and idle lands. Result and Discussion: The integral estimation of the whole set of climatic, soil, hydrological, geomorphological, and geological components allows to state the agrogeosystem of the typical foreststeppe has the largest NRP, the one of the taiga-forest zones possesses the middle NRP, and the agrogeosystem of the open forest-steppe, located near a large megalopolis, has the lower NRP. Conclusion: Long-Term application of organic fertilizers on gray forest soils of subtaiga increases the humus content and base saturation reduces the acidity of the soil, provides a positive balance of elements of a mineral delivery, which causes an increased reproduction of fertility and stabilizes a high level of production processes in the agrolandscape.
Журнал: International Journal of Green Pharmacy
Выпуск журнала: Vol. 11, Is. 3
Номера страниц: 610-614
ISSN журнала: 09738258
Издатель: BRNSS Publication Hub