Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций
Конференция: Practice Oriented Science: UAE - RUSSIA - INDIA; UAE; UAE
Год издания: 2024
Идентификатор DOI: 10.34660/INF.2024.14.43.051
Ключевые слова: students of adolescence, Kerdo vegetative index, vital capacity of the lungs, orthostatic test
Аннотация: Using random sampling, the authors analyzed the results of studying the Kerdo autonomic index (KAI, c.u.) and vital capacity (VC, cm3) during an orthostatic test with different angles of elevation of the foot end of the couch in 298 young men. The aim of the study was to compare the effect of body position in space on the level of Показать полностьюVC, KAI, and basic indices of central hemodynamics in young men from different universities. Material and methods. Using random sampling, we examined 298 young men aged 19.8 ± 0.9 years. KAI was assessed by calculation, and VC was assessed using a portable digital spirometer. HR (beats/ min) was counted on the radial artery by palpation for 10 sec. Blood pressure was measured using the Korotkov method (mm Hg). During the orthostatic test, the young men moved from a vertical to a horizontal position, then the foot end of the couch was raised by 25, 33, 43 and 50 cm, respectively, and held in this position for 5 minutes. The duration of the study was 30 minutes. Results and discussion. The results of using the orthostatic test with a change in body position in space obtained during the examination of adolescent students indicated a balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic influences on the adolescent body. It was found that due to a change in body position in space, VC and DBP do not change significantly (p> 0.05), while HR significantly (p<0.05) decreases, and SBP increases. Conclusions. Considering the simplicity of studying VIC, VC and basic indicators of central hemodynamics, the possibility of their use in any conditions of human life, the authors recommend introducing them into mandatory use in the practice of clinical medicine and sports.
Журнал: Practice Oriented Science: UAE - RUSSIA - INDIA
Номера страниц: 139-145
Место издания: UAE