Энергосбережение и оценка энергоэффективности угледобывающего предприятия : научное издание


Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2024

Идентификатор DOI: 10.21177/1998-4502-2024-16-2-679-691

Ключевые слова: energy efficiency, assessment, mine, resources, costs, mining industry, formalization of the system of indicators, barriers, горнодобывающая промышленность, энергоэффективность, оценка, шахта, ресурсы, затраты, формализация системы показателей, барьеры

Аннотация: Статья посвящена рассмотрению вопросов, связанных с оценкой энергоэффективности угледобывающего предприятия. Для угледобывающих предприятий характерным является большой объем энергоемких операций по добыче руды. В статье представлены возможные пути энергосбережения в горнодобывающей промышленности. В процессе исследований представлПоказать полностьюена система показателей энергоэффективности предприятий угледобычи. Рассмотрены существующие методы и подходы для оценки этого важного показателя для промышленных предприятий угольной отрасли в целом. Предложен авторский подход к формализации системы показателей энергоэффективности предприятий угледобычи. Обозначена значимость энергоаудита как ключевого оценочного мероприятия и выделены его этапы. Систематизированы факторы влияния, определяющие энергозатраты и их сокращения для угледобывающего предприятия, проанализированы барьеры, препятствующие практическому внедрению мер по энергосбережению. Обозначены мероприятия, которые будут способствовать повышению энергоэффективности шахт. Introduction. The article is devoted to consideration of issues related to assessing the energy efficiency of a coal mining enterprise. Coal mining enterprises are characterized by a large volume of energy - intensive ore mining operations. The article presents possible ways of energy saving in the mining industry. During the research, a system of energy efficiency indicators for coal mining enterprises is presented. Materials and methods. The article proposes a system of indicators for coal enterprises based on existing methods and approaches to assessing energy efficiency. Energy consumption dependence graphs, benchmarking, and pinch analysis are considered as a starting point. Results. The study presents a system of energy efficiency indicators for coal mining enterprises. The proposed system has several levels. The existing methods and approaches for assessing this important indicator for industrial enterprises in the coal industry as a whole are considered. The author’s approach to formalizing the system of energy efficiency indicators for coal mining enterprises is proposed. The significance of energy audit as a key assessment measure is indicated and its stages are highlighted. The influencing factors determining energy costs and their reduction for a coal mining enterprise are systematized, barriers preventing the practical implementation of energy saving measures are analyzed. Discussion. The proposed metrics system provides a comprehensive framework for assessing the energy efficiency of coal mining enterprises at various levels. Its flexibility allows it to be applied to the analysis of individual equipment units, production processes, and overall enterprise performance. Its multi - level approach provides a detailed understanding of energy consumption, which allows for informed decision - making to optimize operations. At the equipment level, the metrics system evaluates the energy consumption and efficiency of individual machines and devices. At the production process level, the metrics system analyzes the energy consumption and efficiency of various stages of coal mining. At the enterprise level, the metrics system provides a comprehensive assessment of overall energy efficiency. It takes into account energy consumption at all levels and allows enterprises to compare their performance with each other and with industry benchmarks. Conclusion. Energy efficiency assessment of a coal mining enterprise allows to understand how and where energy is used, where its use can be improved, and how to reduce its costs. To conduct an energy efficiency assessment, the article proposes a system of indicators, highlighting the features of an energy audit. The main advantage of the proposed system of indicators is that it covers a wide range of energy consumption indicators, which are carefully selected and located at different levels of detail. In general, a balanced approach to the level of detail and generalization in the system of indicators provides flexibility in adapting indicators to specific research questions and helps to interpret the results in the context of structural differences between energy systems. Resume. Overall, the proposed metrics system offers a comprehensive approach to analyzing the energy efficiency of coal mining enterprises, covering all levels of operations. Its use allows enterprises to improve energy efficiency, reduce operating costs, and contribute to a more sustainable coal mining industry. Suggestions for practical applications and directions for future research. The use and implementation of the developed system at a coal mining company allows it to improve energy efficiency, reduce operating costs and contribute to a more sustainable coal mining industry.

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Журнал: Устойчивое развитие горных территорий

Выпуск журнала: Т.16, 2

Номера страниц: 679-691

ISSN журнала: 19984502

Место издания: Владикавказ

Издатель: Северо-Кавказский горно-металлургический институт


  • Епихин Алексей Иванович (Государственный морской университет имени адмирала Ф.Ф. Ушакова)
  • Кукарцева Оксана Игоревна (Сибирский федеральный университет)
  • Тынченко Вадим Сергеевич (Московский государственный технический университет имени Баумана)
  • Нгуен Ван Суан (Институт энергетического и горного машиностроения Винакомин)

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