Magneto-optical Kerr effect enhancement in Co-Ti-O nanocomposite films


Тип публикации: статья из журнала (материалы конференций, опубликованные в журналах)

Год издания: 2012

Идентификатор DOI: 10.4028/

Ключевые слова: Kerr effect, Magneto-optical properties, Nanocomposite films, Nanogranular films, Kerr magnetooptical effect, Magnetic materials, Metallic films, Optical Kerr effect, Optical properties, Wavelength, Cobalt, Magnetism, Nanocomposites, Optical films, Co films, Kerr rotation angle, Layer structures, Layered Structures, Magnetic phase, Magneto-optical Kerr effects, Magneto-optical spectra, Magnetooptical properties, Metal film, Volume concentration, Wavelength ranges

Аннотация: Co-Ti-O nanogranular films with different volume concentrations of a magnetic phase and Co/Ti-O layered structures with different numbers of layer pairs are studied by the magnetooptical Kerr effect. It is shown that, unlike the case of homogeneous metal films, the magnetooptical spectra of the nanogranular films exhibit resonance Показать полностьюwith a significant increase in the Kerr rotation angle in the wavelength range 500-700 nm. It is found that the Kerr rotation angle of the Co/Ti-O layer structures in the wavelength range 500-600 nm grows by an order of magnitude as compared to its value for ordinary Co films. © (2012) Trans Tech Publications.

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Журнал: (21 August 2011 through 25 August 2011, Moscow

Выпуск журнала: Vol. 190

Номера страниц: 506-509


  • Polyakov V.V. (Siberian Branch,Kirensky Institute of Physics,Russian Academy of Sciences)
  • Polyakova K.P. (Siberian Branch,Kirensky Institute of Physics,Russian Academy of Sciences)
  • Seredkin V.A. (Siberian Branch,Kirensky Institute of Physics,Russian Academy of Sciences)
  • Patrin G.S. (Siberian Federal University)

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