Перевод названия: Gamification in electronic environment as means of students’ MOTIVATION in the educational process
Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2017
Идентификатор DOI: 10.17223/16095944/66/3
Ключевые слова: геймификация, электронный образовательный ресурс, вовлечение в образовательный процесс, повышение мотивации, LMS Moodle, элементы геймификации, механики геймификации, динамика геймификации, gamification, electronic educational resources, involvement in education, motivation increase, elements of gamification, gamification mechanics, gamification dynamics
Аннотация: Представлена система геймификации образовательного процесса в электронной среде LMS Moodle для вовлечения и удержания обучающихся в учебном процессе. Предложена реализация классических ступеней геймификации: элементов, механики и динамики через функциональные элементы Moodle. Рассмотрен авторский подход наложения элементов геймификПоказать полностьюации на учебный процесс в электронном образовательном ресурсе. Приведены итоги апробации предложенного подхода на примере электронного обучающего ресурса по дисциплине «Математическая логика и теория алгоритмов» в среде LMS Moodle. The main problem in organization of educational process in electronic environment is students’ interest diminution and their involvement. One of the appropriate means for increasing their motivation level is a playing method. This article considers the gamification as a structure, consisting of three main components, which are typical for gaming environment: elements, mechanisms and dynamics of gamification. The novelty of this approach consists in a unified system of gamification of electronic educational resources. The system is based on the interconnection of classical gamification steps, which are positively proven for the gaming applications design, with the LMS Moodle functional elements and features. The basis for the gamification structure is the elements that include tools for ensuring introduction of gaming components into the educational process. The authors consider the scores, ratings (leaderboards), badges and content access as the elements of gamification of an electronic educational resource. The effectiveness of educational process is achieved by presented gamification mechanics for electronic environment. This gamification mechanics is defined as the totality of the moving processes with educational goals: cooperation, competition, tasks, feedback and reward. To implement the gamification mechanics we propose to use Moodle functional elements: example, tasks, forums, and a progress bar showing the completed part of student’s work at each stage of the educational process. The main component in the structure of gamification is determined by dynamics, presented in e-learning course as events logic, sequence of materials studying and tasks performance, as well as the nature of the interaction between the participants of the educational process. The dynamics is proposed to be realized through the imposition of gamification elements in the learning process to the electronic educational resources. The approbation of the approach proposed is carried out by the example of e-learning resource for the “Mathematical logic and theory of algorithms” discipline in the LMS Moodle environment for the students of the “Information Systems and Technologies” course provided at the Siberian Federal University. The implementation results of the proposed gamification system and degree of its influence for the educational process have been estimated by the survey. The students noted the efficiency of the proposed gamification system in electronic environment as a method of involvement into the studying process and increasing the disciplines studying motivation. According to the approbation results, we can conclude that the approach proposed for building a gamification system, providing the involvement of students into the educational process in electronic environment, can be used for electronic educational resources design in the LMS Moodle.
Журнал: Открытое и дистанционное образование
Выпуск журнала: № 2
Номера страниц: 26-32
ISSN журнала: 16095944
Место издания: Томск
Издатель: Ассоциация образовательных и научных учреждений "Сибирский открытый университет"