Silence in a university classroom: Between reflection and communication : материалы временных коллективов


Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций

Конференция: International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts, SGEM 2016; Albena, BULGARIA; Albena, BULGARIA

Год издания: 2016

Ключевые слова: reindeer pasture, vegetation, mountain-taiga zone, food supply, valleys, hills, landscape, meadows, deer grazing

Аннотация: Prior to the reindeer state-farm foundation in the 1960s there was no scientific approach to the use of reindeer pastures not only in a mountain-taiga zone, but also all over Yakutia. The number of reindeer s in the collective herd was small - only 300-500 animals. They all year migrated in traditional places of one kind or anotherПоказать полностью. Thus nomads maintained the ecological balance in the first years of Soviet power until the foundation the large reindeer farms. In connection with the increase in the number of livestock herds of reindeer in Yakutia it was necessary to use reindeer pastures on a scientific basis. Since then, the scientists have begun to study deer grazing in a mountain and taiga zone of Yakutia. Of course, reindeer grazing has a huge impact on the vegetation of pastures. The scale of the impact of deer grazing on vegetation depends on the daily and seasonal grazing areas per one deer. Therefore, the scale of the impact on the pastures are considered the best in the summer season, which clearly emerges every kilometer concrete used, and shows the load on pastures.

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Журнал: SGEM 2016, BK 1: Psychology and psychiatry, sociology and healthcare, education conference proceedings, vol I

Номера страниц: 1039-1046

ISSN журнала: 23675659

Место издания: SOFIA



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