Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2024
Идентификатор DOI: 10.1016/j.ijlmm.2024.07.001
Ключевые слова: aluminum alloys, zirconium, combined rolling-extrusion, ingotless rolling-extrusion, physical and mechanical properties, metal structure
Аннотация: The results of modeling and research of casting, rolling, and extrusion processes for producing wire from AleZr system alloys and determining its physical and mechanical properties have been presented. When implementing combined processes for processing aluminum alloys, the number of operations is significantly reduced, productivitПоказать полностьюy and yield are increased. As a result of the conducted research, the influence of alloy preparation modes and their chemical composition on the physical, mechanical and electrical properties of longish semifinished products from AleZr system alloys obtained by combined rolling-extrusion (CRE) and ingotless rolling-extrusion (IRE) methods were investigated. The simulation of the CRE process for one of these alloys of the system was carried out in the DEFORM 3D software package using data on its rheological properties obtained by the hot torsion method. Based on the modeling results, the optimal modes for conducting experimental studies were selected. The features of metal forming were experimentally studied, the temperature-velocity and technological parameters of combined processing were found, as well as the properties of cast billets, including those obtained using an electromagnetic mold (EMM). The results of experimental studies of the CRE and IRE processes suggest that it is possible to obtain longish deformed semifinished products from alloys Al eZr system with a level of physical, mechanical and electrical properties that meet international standards. At all technological stages, including drawing, the structure of the metal was studied, and data on the physical and mechanical properties of hot-extruded rods and wire in cold-deformed and annealed states was obtained. The heat resistance of wire made from the investigated alloys was studied and it was found that after testing at a temperature of 280 C and a holding time of 1 h, it satisfies the requirements of the AT3 type standard with a maximum permissible long-term operating temperature of 210 C. Recommendations are given for industrial implementation; alloys containing 0.15e0.20% zirconium and 0.10e0.15% iron are recommended for the manufacture of AT1 type wire without heat treatment, as well as 0.25e0.30% Zr and 0.2e0.25% Fe for AT3 wire type with heat treatment.
Журнал: International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture
Номера страниц: 753-772
ISSN журнала: 25888404
Издатель: KeAi Publishing Communications Ltd.