Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций
Конференция: Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration; Beijing; Beijing
Год издания: 2024
Идентификатор DOI: 10.34660/INF.2024.94.53.001
Ключевые слова: current density, diffusion overvoltage, polarization dependences, temperature, mass transfer coefficient, activation energy, molten salts
Аннотация: The results of studies of the influence of temperature on the current density and mass transfer coefficient during the electrolysis of chloride melts with liquid metal electrodes made of lead, magnesium and aluminum are presented. At a given overvoltage, the current density and mass transfer coefficient increase with increasing temПоказать полностьюperature, and the degree of increase depends on the shape of the flows caused by interfacial convection and the electrode material. With an increase in temperature by 100K, the mass transfer coefficient on average increases as follows: for systems with lead electrodes by approximately 37%, with magnesium electrodes - by ≈4.8 times, with aluminum electrodes - by ≈3 times. The activation energy of the current density depends on the overvoltage and for systems with a lead electrode corresponds to the values characteristic of diffusion-controlled processes. For systems with aluminum and magnesium electrodes, the activation energy values correspond to the values characteristic of mixed kinetics.
Журнал: Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration
Номера страниц: 143-151
Место издания: Beijing