Physical and sports activities of students of universities in eastern siberia (krasnoyarsk region): analytical aspect : научное издание


Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2024

Ключевые слова: student youth, universities, eastern Siberia, physical education and sports activities, analysis

Аннотация: Objective of the study is to conduct a theoretical analysis of the state of physical culture and sports activity of university students in Eastern Siberia (Krasnoyarsk Region), to identify trends and dynamics of the functioning of this process. Methods and structure of the study. An analysis of the physical culture and sports activПоказать полностьюities of university students in Eastern Siberia was carried out during 2023. The main research methods were: observations, conversations, questionnaires, surveys, analysis of reports on the sports activities of university sports clubs, visits to student physical education and sports events held at universities and in the region, participation in reporting conferences and meetings of student sports Union of the region, etc. A total of 15 universities in the Krasnoyarsk Region were analyzed for physical education and sports activities. Results and conclusions. The analysis of physical culture and sports activities of university students in Eastern Siberia showed the following statistical results: 1. There are 15 universities and branches operating in the region, of which 6 universities operate on the basis of budgetary funding, 10 universities - on extra-budgetary funding. 2. The number of student sports clubs in universities in the region is 5. 3. The total number of students studying at universities is 65,967 people, including 43,689 full-time students, 18,987 part-time students, 291 full-time and evening students. 2,350 people are systematically involved in sports, which is 5.5% of the total number of students. 4. Only 4 universities (SibFU, Siberian State University, Krasnoyarsk State Medical University and Fire and Rescue Academy) have proper sports facilities (stadium, swimming pool, gym, ski lodge). 5. The annual Regional Student Spartakiad among universities in 21 sports is held, which is losing its popularity and mass appeal every year. In the region, the following sports are cultivated among students: athletics, cross-country skiing, football, volleyball, basketball, swimming, table tennis, rugby, orienteering, etc. These results allow us to state the insufficient activity of city and regional departments for physical culture and sports, as well as the leadership of universities and sports clubs to improve the results of physical education and sports activities among students in the region.

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Журнал: Theory and Practice of Physical Culture

Выпуск журнала: 5

Номера страниц: 68-70

ISSN журнала: 24094234

Место издания: Москва

Издатель: Научно-издательский центр "Теория и практика физической культуры и спорта"


  • Kharitonov D. A. (Siberian Federal University)
  • Ponomarev V.V. (Siberian Federal University)

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