Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций
Конференция: Интеллектуальная инженерная экономика и Индустрия 5.0 (ИНПРОМ-2024); Санкт-Петербург; Санкт-Петербург
Год издания: 2024
Идентификатор DOI: 10.18720/IEP/2024.1/59
Ключевые слова: умный дом, потребительский спрос, технологии умного дома, структура потребительского спроса, smart home, consumer demand, smart home technologies, structure of consumer demand
Аннотация: The article is devoted to the peculiarities of changes in the structure of consumer demand for smart home technologies of the PRC population, the article considers the trends in the formation of demand for smart homes in the PRC, also analyzes the market dynamics for the analyzed devices. In recent decades, the global trend of intrПоказать полностьюoducing the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, blockchain and many other technologies in the field of urban management to create a unified digital ecosystem is becoming more and more attractive. The demand for smart homes in China is growing rapidly, here consumer demand is driving the development of smart home technology in the country. Traditional industries are changing, and smart home is one of the fastest growing business areas in China. The growing popularity of "smart things" - various home appliances and electronic products with smart components - has also contributed to the market development. Consumers are appreciating the benefits of using them and opting for support to systematize their work based on a single management platform. Based on end users, the group of smart homes designed for private households holds the major market share.
Журнал: Интеллектуальная инженерная экономика и Индустрия 5.0 (ИНПРОМ-2024)
Номера страниц: 240-243
Место издания: Санкт-Петербург