Cost-effectiveness analysis of the implementation of transport and technological cycles in the swarm use of agricultural UAVs : научное издание


Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2024

Идентификатор DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202447104017

Аннотация: <jats:p>The article presents an approach that provides a comprehensive analysis of the cost-effectiveness of the implementation of transport and technological cycles in the swarm use of agricultural UAVs. A generalized “effect-cost” assessment is presented for ensuring the transport process within the framework of acceptable implemПоказать полностьюentations of the transporttechnological cycle. It is shown that for swarm applications of UAVs in precision agriculture, cost-benefit analysis is also directly related to the microprocessor performance of the UAV swarm. The cost-effectiveness model proposed in the work is based on a previously obtained solution to the problem of optimal performance of a UAV swarm used for spraying crops. The results of improving the cost function are presented using a model example that illustrates the proposed approach. It is noted that the presented problem statement helps developers clearly identify alternatives and formulate additional questions that need to be answered to make a decision.</jats:p>

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Журнал: E3S Web of Conferences

Выпуск журнала: Т.471

Номера страниц: 04017

ISSN журнала: 25550403

Место издания: Les Ulis

Издатель: EDP Sciences - Web of Conferences


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