Comparative Estimate of Plutonium and Radiocesium in Muscle of Grayling (Thymallus baicalensis) of the Yenisei River : научное издание


Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2023

Идентификатор DOI: 10.1134/s1062359023120269

Ключевые слова: artificial radionuclide, plutonium, cesium, fish, biomonitor, life sciences, general, cell biology, biochemistry, zoology, ecology

Аннотация: The data on the content of plutonium (239,240Pu) in the muscles of the Baikal grayling <i>Thymallus baicalensis</i>, inhabiting the middle reaches of the Yenisei River in the vicinity of the radioactive discharge point of the Mining and Chemical Combine, in 2011–2019, are presented. The content of 239,240Pu in grayling muscles varied within 7–32 mBq/kg dry weight. The highest value was recorded in 2019, a year after the increase in the volume of controlled plutonium discharges. The ratio of the activity concentrations of 239,240Pu/137Cs in grayling muscles compared to a similar ratio in other hydrobionts of the Yenisei indicates a lower bioavailability of plutonium for fish.

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Журнал: Biology Bulletin

Выпуск журнала: Т.50, 12

Номера страниц: 3404-3406

ISSN журнала: 10623590

Место издания: Москва

Издатель: Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. (Плеадес Паблишинг, Лтд)


  • Zotina T. A. (Institute of Fundamental Biology and Biotechnology, Siberian Federal University)
  • Melgunov M. S. (Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences)
  • Dementyev D. V. (Institute of Biophysics, Krasnoyarsk Science Center, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences)
  • Alexandrova Yu. V. (Institute of Biophysics, Krasnoyarsk Science Center, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences)

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