Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2024
Идентификатор DOI: 10.17223/19988613/87/22
Ключевые слова: Civil War of 1918-1922, intervention in the Russian North, PUBLIC history, гражданская война 1918-1922 гг, интервенция на Русском Севере, публичная история
Аннотация: Рецензируется книга А.Ф. Сухановского «Штык решает. War Diary. Фронтовой дневник» (Архангельск, 2020). В книге представлены материалы, обнаруженные участниками поискового движения на Русском Севере, которые в течение 20 лет вели раскопки в местах боевых действий 1918-1919 гг., участвовали в создании мемориала «Юрьевский рубеж». АвтПоказать полностьюором представлены и интерпретируются вещественные исторические источники, обнаруженные в ходе изыскательских работ. Приведены фрагменты воспоминаний зарубежных участников военных событий. Опубликованы фотографии из зарубежных и российских архивов. Авторы заявляют об отсутствии конфликта интересов. In modern conditions, it seems that the study of the Civil War and the dissemination of knowledge about it is possible using the potential of public history. The attention of professional historians is attracted by a book prepared by the organizer of the search movement A. Sukhanovsky, who has been leading a group of enthusiasts studying the places of battles with the interventionists in the North of Russia for twenty years. The interventionist forces here numbered more than 40 thousand people in 1919. The participants of the search group carried out excavations on the territory of the Arkhangelsk region for 20 years, participated in the creation of the military historical park "Yuryevsky Frontier", which is the only well-preserved complex of fortifications of the Civil War period in Russia. It is now part of the military historical park "Railway Front" in the battlefields of 1918-1919 on the Arkhangelsk-Moscow railway. The title of the book is connected with the decision of the American soldiers of the 339th regiment, who included the motto of the Russian infantry of the Northern Rifle Regiments "Shtyck reshaet" (in Russian) in their coat of arms. It was a manifestation of Americans' respect for the heroism and dedication of political opponents. The book consists of an introduction, six blocks of information ("Soldier's gray hair", "Romance of company "A", "Catching up with the wind", "Combat Patrol", "Russian scars", "Extraordinary adventures of the British in Northern Russia"), divided into 32 parts, which the author called ‘blockhouses’. The author translated and published the memoirs of foreign participants of the events in his book. Among them are the memoirs of Corporal of company "G" 339 of the American regiment J. H. Turnman, fighter pilot K. van der Spye, commander of infantry company "M" J. Moore, J. R. Singleton-Gates. The study presents a translation of a fragment of the book by D. York "The romance of Company A 339th Infantry ANREF". The author presented and interpreted the material historical sources discovered during the survey work. The revealed materials make it possible to recreate the life of combatants and civilians in extreme conditions of armed conflict. A. Sukhanovsky describes the experience of reconstruction of military events in the Russian North in 1918-1919. The review points out the shortcomings of the work in question: the refusal to prepare a bibliographic list, the lack of a description of the history of the photographs given in the publication, taken by Signal Corps USA employees. The authors declare no conflicts of interests.
Журнал: Вестник Томского государственного университета. История
Выпуск журнала: №87
Номера страниц: 184-187
ISSN журнала: 19988613
Место издания: Томск
Издатель: Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет