Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2023
Идентификатор DOI: 10.3390/cryst13020291
Аннотация: <jats:p>This paper reports for the first time on the new laminar quaternary orthorhombic heterometallic quaternary tellurides SrLnCuTe3, the fabrication of which has been a challenge until this work. Data on the crystal structure of tellurides complete the series of quaternary strontium chalcogenides SrLnCuCh3 (Ch = S, Se, Te). SinПоказать полностьюgle crystals of the compounds were synthesized from the elements by the halogenide-flux method at 1070 K. The compounds are crystallizing in two space groups Pnma (Ln = Sm, Gd and Tb) and Cmcm (Ln = Dy–Tm and Lu). For SrSmCuTe3 (a = 11.4592(7), b = 4.3706(3), c = 14.4425(9) Å, space group: Pnma) with the largest lanthanoid cation, Sr2+ shows C.N. = 7, whereas Sm3+ reveals a diminished coordination number C.N. = 6. For SrLuCuTe3 (a = 4.3064(3), b = 14.3879(9), c = 11.1408(7) Å, space group: Cmcm) with the smallest lanthanoid cation, coordination numbers of six are realized for both high-charged cations (Sr2+ and Lu3+: C.N. = 6). The cations Sr2+, Ln3+, Cu+ each take independent positions. The structures are built by distorted [CuTe4]7– tetrahedra, forming the infinite chains {∞1[Cu(Te1)1/1t(Te2)1/1t(Te3)2/2e]5−} along [010] in SrLnCuTe3 (Ln = Sm, Gd and Tb) and [100] in SrLnCuTe3 (Ln = Dy–Tm and Lu). The distortion of the polyhedra [CuTe4]7– was compared for the whole series SrLnCuTe3 by means of τ4-descriptor for the four coordinating Te2– anions, which revealed a decrease in the degree of distortion with a decreasing radius at Ln3+. The distorted octahedra [LnTe6]9– form layers {∞2[Ln(Te1)2/2(Te2)2/2(Te3)2/2]3−}. The distorted octahedra and tetrahedra fuse to form parallel layers {∞2[CuLnTe3]2−} and between them, the Sr2+ cations providing three-dimensionality of the structure are located. In the SrLnCuTe3 (Ln = Sm, Gd and Tb) structures, the Sr2+ cations center capped the trigonal prisms [SrTe6+1]12−, united in infinite chains {∞1[Sr(Te1)2/2(Te2)3/3(Te3)2/2]4−} along the [100] direction. The domains of existence of the Ba2MnS3, BaLaCuS3, Eu2CuS3 and KZrCuS3 structure types are defined in the series of orthorhombic chalcogenides SrLnCuCh3 (Ch = S, Se and Te). The tellurides SrLnCuTe3 (Ln = Tb–Er) of both structure types in the temperature range from 2 up to 300 K are paramagnetic, without showing clear signs of a magnetic phase transition.</jats:p>
Журнал: Crystals
Выпуск журнала: Т.13, №2
Номера страниц: 291
ISSN журнала: 20734352
Издатель: MDPI AG