Technogenic Reservoirs Resources of Mine Methane When Implementing the CircularWaste Management Concept : научное издание


Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2024

Идентификатор DOI: 10.3390/resources13020033

Ключевые слова: mine methane, resource recovery, circular waste management, sustainability, gas flow

Аннотация: From a commercial viewpoint, mine methane is the most promising object in the field of reducing emissions of climate-active gases due to circular waste management. Therefore, the task of this research is to estimate the technogenic reservoirs resources of mine methane when implementing the circular waste management concept. The novПоказать полностьюelty of the authors' approach lies in reconstructing the response space for the dynamics of methane release from the front and cross projections: CH4 = ƒ(S; t) and CH4 = ƒ(S; L), respectively. The research established a polynomial dependence of nonlinear changes in methane concentrations in the mixture extracted by type 4 wells when a massif is undermined as a result of mining in a full-retreat panel. And the distance from the face to the start of mining the panel is reduced by 220 m. For this reason, the emission of mine methane, in case of degasification network disruption in 15 days, can amount to more than 660 thousand m3 only for wells of type no. 4.

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Журнал: Resources

Выпуск журнала: Т.13, 1

ISSN журнала: 20799276


  • Brigida Vladimir (Department of Biomedical, Veterinary and Ecological Directions, RUDN University)
  • Golik Vladimir Ivanovich (Department “Technique and Technology of Mining and Oil and Gas Production”, Moscow Polytechnic University)
  • Voitovich Elena V. (Department of Industrial and Civil Engineering, Moscow Polytechnic University)
  • Kukartsev Vladislav V. (Artificial Intelligence Technology Scientific and Education Center, Bauman Moscow State Technical University)
  • Gozbenko Valeriy E. (Department of Mathematics, Irkutsk State Transport University)
  • Konyukhov Vladimir Yu. (Department of Automation and Control, Irkutsk National Research Technical University )
  • Oparina Tatiana A. (Department of Automation and Control, Irkutsk National Research Technical University )

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